SimpliSpoken and Selling to Zebras Interview on Business Developers Network

John Goss
Co Founder and Partner

We help businesses join the Voice revolution and build a voice presence to delight their customers. Voice tech is the most natural way of communicating. Today’s customers expect speed, convenience, low friction. Don’t miss out on being a key part of your customer’s daily voice-led routine. Want to meet your customers where they are? We’ve got you covered

I am also a Managing Partner for Konnarock Healthcare LLC. Konnarock specializes in Management Consulting, Strategic Assessments, Mobile Application Design and Development, and Implementation and Support Services.

Brief Description of Product or Service:
Voice First Digital company offering Consultancy and Design Services

Topics to Discuss:
Industry Trends
Voice Market
Branding Strategies
Imbuing Voice into your culture
Whats Next

Web Site / Linkedin / Social Media Links:

Jeff Koser
Selling to Zebras

Jeff is the spirited founder & CEO of Selling to Zebras (STZ). STZ is the World's First Self-Driving AI-Enabled CRM. Imagine Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics auto-populating as a result of utilizing software that helps sellers sell. STZ solves the business problem of how to transform a feature function seller into a business issue and value focused professional. With STZ organizations are able to find, close, expand and retain their top revenue producing customers (Zebras). The Selling to Zebras™ software identifies perfect prospects, provides research for account penetration, auto generates a preliminary business case and guides sellers and buyers to a verified business case. And then auto updates the CRM with all the information management needs to run the business.

The end result is improvement to three metrics that increase sales;

-Reduction in Sales Cycle Length 21-45%
-Average Deal Size Increase 13-1000%
-Pipeline Close Rate Increase 102-964%

Imagine if the executive team, sellers and customer support could uniformly articulate the business problem you solve and the value your company creates for your customers. STZ creates this level of clarity, memorializes it inside the STZ platform, and helps you find more customers, like your best customers.

Jeff has more than 25 years’ experience in leadership roles in operations, sales and marketing. He is the award-winning co-author of Selling to Zebras HOW TO CLOSE 90% of the BUSINESS YOU PURSUE FASTER, MORE EASILY and MORE PROFITABLY. In 2010, he was recognized as one of the best sales authors of all time in the book, The Sales Gurus.

Prior to founding Selling to Zebras, Jeff was Chief Operating Officer for Baan Supply Chain Solutions. Under his leadership, revenues grew more than tenfold in five years ($743m).

STZ has implemented the STZ go-to-market software in hundreds of companies and impacted thousands in sales, marketing and operations.

Brief Description of Product or Service:
We help our clients sell focusing on the value they create as opposed to the features and functions of their product. We help our clients differentiate and win using their customer success stories.

Topics to Discuss:
How to identify your perfect prospect.
We know from working with companies for 17 years, they may think they know but few actually do.
Our plan is to excite the audience with an engaging sales discussion around whether or not they understand what their customers say is the business problem they solve.

Web Site / Linkedin / Social Media Links:

Show Host: Artie Ruderman

The Business Developers Network where today’s leading business developers share and learn innovative business develo...

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