Georgia Business Radio - Medicine and Marketing
Harris Allen Group

Dr. Harris Allen
Who we are we?
Value-driven Population Health: A management and measurement system that tackles this challenge with an evolving integration of proven methods for value and population health that has reached critical mass and is ready for broader use.

A consortium of national experts and partner organizations devoted to the science and management of VDPH and supporting its use to improve outcomes and reduce costs in community and stakeholder settings.
At 17.8% (the latest estimate), healthcare’s share of U.S. GDP is 1.5 times that of second-ranked France; by 2025, the Office of the Actuary for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has projected that this share will be 20.1%
On our current path, the Congressional Office projects that by 2040 the public debt will exceed 100% of U.S. GDP, with healthcare by far and away the biggest contributor
Yet, the Commonwealth Fund and others report that U.S. health outcomes continue to be mediocre at best (e.g., 27th among OECD countries nations in life expectancy at birth)

Our underachieving and unsustainable healthcare system is increasingly jeopardizing not only patient/consumers but each of the stakeholder groups enacting roles that one way or another serve them.
A system of objectives, measures and tools that answers and acts on these questions
This system is differentiated by group and based on the role requirements of each
Its management aspires to wise investments prioritized by outcomes-to-costs evidence
The same outcomes-to-costs analytic format applies across groups and promotes the magic of the marketplace; i.e., incentives to model success both within and across groups.
Topics to Discuss:
The Problem
Our healthcare costs are high and getting higher even as our aggregate health outcomes remain mediocre - a dilemma that has U.S. healthcare on an underachieving and unsustainable path.
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Web Site / Social Media Links:

Sheldon Tyndall
Organization / Company Name:
Great Reveal -Demystifying Healthcare Costs
Promoting healthcare related conference events, rural healthcare and innovative
technology “game changers” to improve costs and health.
My entire career has been in the Healthcare IT industry and I'm honored to have provided management and leadership for companies like West Georgia Health System, Wellstar, Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center & several others.
My latest project is the Great Reveal ( conference scheduled for September 13, 2017 at the Atlanta Galleria ballroom. This conference is uniquely designed to bring all companies who have a significant employee healthcare spend together with solution partners across the spectrum of reducing healthcare costs & improving population health!
S4 Events, LLC is a multi-industry event management company specializing in creating conferences, recreational and business experiences with excellence and high customer satisfaction. We bring businesses together in a dynamic, collaborative and fun environment through conferences, retreats and other events that relate to the healthcare industry or healthcare costs of business operations.
•Creating healthcare related conferences through expert companies & desired customers
•Developing collaborative and dynamic relationships to effect business growth
•Bringing the client and the solution together
•Experienced in healthcare IT industry from hospitals, physicians & technology companies
•S4 is creating a unique healthcare costs reduction conference series across all industries