Buckhead Business Show - New Merchant Services, 3D Encryption, Divorce Your Legal Bills
Company or Product Name:
Titan Payments (Merchant Services)
Name and Title of Person Interviewed:
Brandee Little
Guest BIO:
Enthusiastic sales professional with a proven ability to identify and build relationships with current and potential clients. Consistent in developing relationships built on honesty, integrity and value. ALWAYS accessible and accountable.
Topics/Questions to Discuss:
There are certain benefits that will come from working with us. We use more than one processor which gives us so many possibilities. We can work with many types of businesses including high risk businesses.
Business owners like simplicity and efficiency and this is what we like to offer, a simple way to process with assistance in installs and a personal contact.
Web Site and/or Social Media Links etc.:

Company or Product Name:
D3CRYPT3D & prePart
Name and Title of Person Interviewed:
Dosa Kim
Topics/Questions to Discuss:
How I am tied to Atlanta.
3d encryption . B2C . A service which allows people to track and protect 3d assets. With 3d printing becoming a norm . 3d files are more valuable and the creation of these products need some sort of protection . D3CRYPT3D is a solution to this problem. We see it so that a valuable file will not be reduced to just a copy and paste command.
PreParti is a mobile app that uses game technology to plan your next event. We use real metrics and bring venues down to scale and allow users to plan out the next big event. Currently we are concentrating on the Atlanta market but are in talks with several groups and looking to get into conference spaces as well.
Web Site and/or Social Media Links etc.:

Company or Product Name:
Sierra Halcyon, Inc Legal Billing Auditor
Name and Title of Person Interviewed:
Joshua Still, President and CEO
Guest BIO:
I'm a six year Army Veteran with nine years experience in compliance management and quality assurance roles. While going through a divorce I applied these skills to my legal bills and realized that my lawyer was overcharging me by about 50%. I decided to make sure as many people as possible needed access to the information I found, particularly people going through a divorce.
Topics/Questions to Discuss:
Common Over billing practices.
how much savings one can expect if they have their bills reviewed.
By what standards I recommend reductions.
Web Site and/or Social Media Links:
Facebook: @sierrahalcyon
Twitter: @SierraHalcyon

The Buckhead Business Show Spotlights Industry Leaders in Buckhead and Atlanta! Brought to you in part by The BBA and Broadcast LIVE from the Pro Business Channel Studios.
Show Hosts:
Rich Casanova, CoFounder
Pro Business Channel
Michael Moore, RainMaker & Chief Storyteller
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