Buckhead Business Show - Leadership, Business Automation and How Money Works

Company or Product Name:
Ball of Fire Inc. - Shift to Riches in 2017 Programs

Guest Bernadette Boas:

Bernadette Boas is known as a ball of fire leadership coach to corporate and entrepreneurial companies and their leaders. She is a compelling keynote speaker, radio host and author who transforms lives through her own personal and professional journey of success and losing it all.

She is the founder of Ball of Fire Media a media and entertainment company, and Ball of Fire Consulting, a business management and leadership growth company focused on igniting leaders to achieve massive results for their organizations and themselves.

With what she called her pink slip to freedom from her twenty-five year corporate career, Bernadette authored her first in a series of books entitled Shedding the Corporate Bitch, Shifting from Bitch to Rich in Life and Business. She most recently finished adapting her book into a feature film screenplay entitled Confessions of a Bitch!

Bernadette currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia which she has called her home for twenty years, and can often be seen running around town with her four-legged best friend, Charlie.

Topics to Discuss:
I have to ask - what provoked you to write such a personal story in your book, Shedding the Corporate Bitch?

How do you leverage that message today within your coaching, consulting and speaking business?

What is the biggest lesson you learned and now coach your corporate and entrepreneurial professionals to heed?

What should business owners and corporate professionals be focusing on currently, as they kick off a new year?

What tips or advice do you have for them?

Can you tell us about your Shift to Riches Program and what professionals can achieve from it?

Web Site and/or Social Media Links:

Company or Product Name:
Iron Isle Associates
Business Process Mapping and Automation

Name and Title of Person Interviewed:
Steve Woodruff

Steve is a serial entrepreneur, he’s owned businesses in technology, food service, construction, and the not-for-profit sector; plus, worked with clients in franchising, light manufacturing, marketing, medical, professional services, and much more. His current business stems from what’s common to all that varied experience - process.

Tell us a bit about what Iron Isle does?

Discuss our 5P framework - Policy, Process, Procedure, Productivity and Profit.

Explain our step-by-step approach and how it pays back.

What kinds of businesses are you working with now?

Web Site:


Company or Product Name:
Rich Hart Global Inc. / Evalucore Institute

Name and Title of Person Interviewed:
Rich Hart

Rich Hart: Business Dynamics Coach, International Real Estate Broker, Wealth Consultant, Speaker
ABR, GRI, SRS, CIPS, CRB, MRP, CIIIS, SRES, RLI, SFR, C-RETS, RENE, GREEN & International NAR/ REBAC Training Consultant

Rich is a prominent Business Dynamics Coach, International Real Estate Broker and Finance/ Wealth Consultant. Specializes in entrepreneurial and corporate business structuring as a “FOCUS Strategy Planning Developer” with offices in Georgia, New York and Florida. Prior to his speaking career, he spent over 35 years as a business executive and entrepreneurial professional in International Corporate America developing and intergrading operating practices for national and international business corporations. His organizational expertise as a Re-Structuring Business Specialist has prominently influenced many in the fields of Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, Finance and Technology. He is most recognized as a Business Educator & FOCUS Consultant for numerous profit and non-profit entities ...

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