Hear from Yusuf George of JUST Capital, the only independent nonprofit that tracks, analyzes, and engages with large corporations and their investors on how they perform on the issues Americans care about most.

Yusuf recaps findings from JUST Capital’s Corporate Racial Equity Tracker and recommendations for how corporate leaders can act on DEI commitments as outlined in the CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity. One of the most crucial steps companies can take toward racial equity is tracking and reporting on the state of pay equity within their organizations, says Yusuf, who believes measurement, transparency, and accountability are all key to achieving meaningful change.

Yusuf and host Danielle Holly discuss other trends in CSR including shareholder versus stakeholder capitalism, the need to shed short-termism in DEI work, and why leaders must push past discomfort in order to make real progress on racial equity.

Visit justcapital.com to learn more.

Corporate Racial Equity Tracker: justcapital.com/reports/corporate-racial-equity-tracker
CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity: fsg.org/sites/default/files/A%20CEO%20Blueprint%20for%20Racial%20Equity.pdf