This week, Austin (dangerfalcon1989) and Jason (ミスト M Y S T), co-owners of Gulf Audio Company, join Indy in the Private Suite for some wild and funky chats. Come hang with us for an epic 2 hour conversation that explores upcoming VHS releases, the best ways of packaging and prepping your record for a label, discussing the different artist they have featured on their bandcmap, ruminations on "The Goonies 2", fighting games, physical vaporwave stores, and lots of other goodness.
Want to be featured on an episode of the Private Suite Podcast? Give us a call on the PSP Hotline! 412-44-VAPOR (412 448-2767, US based). We will listen to your messages and maybe feature them on a future episode!
If you haven't already done so please be sure to check out the latest issue ( of Private Suite Magazine, out now!
If you have a topic you would like discussed or ideas for future episodes please be sure to reach out to us on social media.
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Special Guest: Gulf Audio Company.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
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This week, Austin (dangerfalcon1989) and Jason (ミスト M Y S T), co-owners of Gulf Audio Company, join Indy in the Private Suite for some wild and funky chats. Come hang with us for an epic 2 hour conversation that explores upcoming VHS releases, the best ways of packaging and prepping your record for a label, discussing the different artist they have featured on their bandcmap, ruminations on "The Goonies 2", fighting games, physical vaporwave stores, and lots of other goodness.

Want to be featured on an episode of the Private Suite Podcast? Give us a call on the PSP Hotline! 412-44-VAPOR (412 448-2767, US based). We will listen to your messages and maybe feature them on a future episode!

If you haven't already done so please be sure to check out the latest issue of Private Suite Magazine, out now!

If you have a topic you would like discussed or ideas for future episodes please be sure to reach out to us on social media.

Gulf Audio Company Bandcamp

Gulf Audio Company Twitter

Twitter (Podcast)

Twitter (Magazine)

Twitter (Rich)

Twitter (IndyAdvant)

Twitter (Uriel)




Special Guest: Gulf Audio Company.

See for privacy and opt-out information.

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