Cocktales: Tasha, Kiaya, and Khadijah sip on some sparkling while talking SEX BLOOPERS. Have you ever been having sex and things did NOT go as planned or something really embarrassing happened? The ladies tell some of there hilarious sex bloopers. This convo will have you in tears from laughing!


Another Round: First round topic is around going "Ghost" on a friend of the opposite sex, once you are in a relationship. Does your friend of the opposite sex deserve an explanation, before you go missing or before you end the friendship? Should you even end the friendship at all? The ladies will discuss this question from all angles.


Second round topic, we are still discussing friends of the opposite sex. The ladies discuss how they feel about their partner having a best friend or friends of the opposite sex. This topic is sensitive for some of the ladies and the dialogue around this is not only relatable but hilarious. Listen to Khadijah, Tasha, and Kiaya share their own personal experiences around this topic. You already know...its none of your business BUT we're gonna' talk about it anyway!