Happy Hour: The ladies sip on some Lime Patron Liqueur while discussing some current events. They discuss the Kendell Jenner Pepsi commercial outrage and their opinions on it. They also touch on the United Airlines incident.


Shaken NOT Stirred: Obsession (Noun): an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.

Stalking and checking another person's social media account on a daily basis can at times become consuming. It can also get to a point where you may in secret feel like you have become obsessed or consumed by the thought or this person and with checking their every post. This tends to be a shameful topic.


If you think you are the only person who has ever done this, believe us when we say, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Kiaya, Khadijah, Tasha, and Ashley share some of their stories around becoming obsessed with another female’s page and the back story behind it. It's none of your business, BUT we're gonna talk about it anyway.