Community. As 2019 comes to an end and I look back at the 50+ episodes and videos we’ve published this year, I think heavily on a sense of community. You see, Priority One Podcast is nothing without it. For nearly 9 years now, this podcast has been produced by its community. 
A community of talented, passionate, and dedicated volunteers who share a love for a franchise that has lasted for over 50 years. Each member of this team is an artist that donate their time and talents so that we can continue to be a small part of the Star Trek Universe.  
You see, outside of this podcast I consider myself to be a professional singing-actor --- a theatrical artist who has spent years developing my craft so that I can earn a buck or two singing a song and doing a dance whenever the opportunity arises. I know – all too well – the value of my craft… and the craft that our writers, graphic artists, audio/video editors, and hosts contribute is no less valuable. 
And yet. Much like community theatre, the Priority One Podcast team comes together to produce this show not because we want something in return… but, because this is our labor of love. I repeat this often on our show because I think it’s important…. NO ONE on this team takes home a single dime… not from our generous patrons – not from our sponsors. The financial support we receive goes directly into the costs of producing the content you’ve come to expect each and every week… Equipment for mobile recording at conventions… livestreaming… editing software… some travel expenses… hosting services for the production… the list goes on. Because of the support of loyal patrons and the occasional sponsorship, we seldom dig into our own pockets in addition to the hours we spend each week producing this show. 

Community. As 2019 comes to an end and I look back at the 50+ episodes and videos we’ve published this year, I think heavily on a sense of community. You see, Priority One Podcast is nothing without it. For nearly 9 years now, this podcast has been produced by its community.    A community of talented, passionate, and dedicated volunteers who share a love for a franchise that has lasted for over 50 years. Each member of this team is an artist that donate their time and talents so that we can continue to be a small part of the Star Trek Universe.     You see, outside of this podcast I consider myself to be a professional singing-actor --- a theatrical artist who has spent years developing my craft so that I can earn a buck or two singing a song and doing a dance whenever the opportunity arises. I know – all too well – the value of my craft… and the craft that our writers, graphic artists, audio/video editors, and hosts contribute is no less valuable.    And yet. Much like community theatre, the Priority One Podcast team comes together to produce this show not because we want something in return… but, because this is our labor of love. I repeat this often on our show because I think it’s important…. NO ONE on this team takes home a single dime… not from our generous patrons – not from our sponsors. The financial support we receive goes directly into the costs of producing the content you’ve come to expect each and every week… Equipment for mobile recording at conventions… livestreaming… editing software… some travel expenses… hosting services for the production… the list goes on. Because of the support of loyal patrons and the occasional sponsorship, we seldom dig into our own pockets in addition to the hours we spend each week producing this show.