155 – Adam Sklar Interview


Ricky interviews the Author of the Heroes Fan Novel, Heroes Godsend, Adam Sklar – discussion includes finding out about Adam, what inspired him, how he first started watching Heroes, favourite character, influences on his writing style, idea for Heroes Godsend and influences, how long the novel took to write, did Heroes Reborn have any influence on Heroes Godsend, the ideas for the powers, the idea of Noah Gray and his parentage, thoughts on Heroes Reborn, favourite Heroes Reborn character, what’s to come in the future for Heroes Godsend, Nomad/HRG, Godsend Device/Fringe comparisons, the timeline of the new Heroes Godsend chapters, after ideas to be set after Heroes Reborn, and canon characters who weren’t used that well.


You can find out more about Adam on his Facebook page facebook.com/sklarlightwo


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NB There may be spoilers in this review