126 – Rebellion Reborn #24 – S01E10 Send in the Clones/Heroes Vengeance #4 


Lilith and Ricky discuss Send in the Clones – discussion includes minor and gun control, episode rating, Carlos and Farah shipping, Sunstone being like a cult, hark back to Farah and Carlos being soliders, the “bat-family”, Carlos backstory in the comics, Parkman’s reasons for being “bad”, self loathing, Parkman creating his own perfect little slice of heaven, Parkman v The Haitian, silver-fox Matt, derp face Micah, really good fight choreography (by Heroes standards), differencing between Katana girl and Miko, Miko/Tommy shipping, TWO Solar Flares?, Parkman coming up with a good plan, lots of morally grey characters, Luke/Malina the SyLaire of Heroes Reborn, no HRG, artists rendition of “Future Tommy” (https://twitter.com/PrimatechFiles/status/685261916109942786), Luke knowing more about his powers in 5 days then some other Heroes Prime characters taking forever to know the weaknesses, thoughts on Phoebe and Quentins new family dynamic, powers coming to the forefront in this episode, people meeting and knowing each other but not being overtly explainy, Malina’s interrogation “skills”, Theory Crafting Odessa links, Theory Crafting why Miko is starting to glitch, Erica’s almost Nazi intentions, Theory Crafting Brad (again), still suspicious of Emily, STILL trying to work Ando into the show, everyone making their way to Odessa, Theory about the second flare, why all the Harris hate?, Theory Crafting, Easter Eggs, World Building, and Burning Questions 


Ricky discusses the comic Heroes Vengeance #4. Lilith on ET Canada talking with Graeme (http://youtu.be/JQc3tf8W838), Competition details (https://twitter.com/PrimatechFiles/status/685815984389763072), Trailer for the last two episodes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ7TaTMzUww), Inside the Eclipse discussing Send in the Clones (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJrwCV7oUM), Company Woman synopsis, and Picture from SpoilerTV (http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/01/heroes-reborn-episode-112-company-woman_21.html


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NB There may be spoilers in this review

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