114 – PrimatechCast #1 – Rebellion Reborn Roundtable #2


Ricky is joined by some of the guys from HeroesCast James, Laura and Miranda to discuss things all Heroes Reborn related – discussion includes how they feel the season is going thus far, the Heroes Prime characters coming back and the show hitting its stride, who is there MVP of the new cast, thoughts on returning cast members, who they would bring back for a would be season 2, sticking points, thoughts on Malina, the twins father, is Nostalgia playing a big part of people viewing heroes, how Heroes Reborn fares in the tv landscape now, Emily, Joanne, what we really enjoyed about Heroes Reborn, Heroes Reborn Dark Matters, and whose gonna die?


Wanna know more about HeroesCast? Follow them @heroescast on twitter, or their website http://heroescastreborn.com/


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NB There may be spoilers in this review