107 - Rebellion Reborn #19 - Brave New World e-book/A Matter of Trust e-book


Lilith and Ricky discuss the e-books which have been released just in time for the hiatus – discussion includes some little points Ricky wanted to bring up about Brave New World, Who has been putting out that Mohinder is claiming responsibility for the Collins’ vigilantism?, Lilith calling out Ricky’s grammar policeness, hearing Sendhil voices as you read Escalating Evolution, bring back Cole Cutler, the network going out of their way to find people who have written for others universes already, Star Wars books not being canon anymore, context to Father Mauricio, wondering about the release dates of the e-books, remembering Maya and Alejandro, #CreeperMauricio, who does Father Gunther work for? Has Kim been in the show?, Smallville Monster of the Week type vibe, wanting to flesh out Jose more, Peter/Sylar talk, don’t talk about Joanne Collins on Reddit, Binge-Watch or Week to Week.


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NB There may be spoilers in this review

Books Referenced