S04E05 – Tabula Rasa/Yang and Yang 


Lilith and Ricky discuss Tabula Rasa – discussion includes Vague yet Smart Samuel, Samuel testing SyNathan, Carnival Haitian Damien, liking the initial idea of the Carnival, the best person to learn about powers from being Hiro, HRG realising he wasn’t helping the people he was bagging and tagging, and theory crafting a new Heroes season with HRG at the helm. They also discuss the Graphic Novel, Yang and Yang. 


Follow Primatech Files on their social media – just search “Primatech Files” on facebook, tumblr, youtube, twitter or clammr. You can also email [email protected] or find them on their individual twitters @rickyjdiaz or @lilithhellfire


NB There may be spoilers in this review



S04E05 – Tabula Rasa/Yang and Yang 


Lilith and Ricky discuss Tabula Rasa – discussion includes Vague yet Smart Samuel, Samuel testing SyNathan, Carnival Haitian Damien, liking the initial idea of the Carnival, the best person to learn about powers from being Hiro, HRG realising he wasn’t helping the people he was bagging and tagging, and theory crafting a new Heroes season with HRG at the helm. They also discuss the Graphic Novel, Yang and Yang. 


Follow Primatech Files on their social media – just search “Primatech Files” on facebook, tumblr, youtube, twitter or clammr. You can also email [email protected] or find them on their individual twitters @rickyjdiaz or @lilithhellfire


NB There may be spoilers in this review