102 – Rebellion Reborn #18 – S01E10 11:53 to Odessa/Heroes Vengeance Comic #2


Lilith and Ricky start off the discussion by talking going over some remaining emails from last week and talking about the Inside the Eclipse which was posted late (https://twitter.com/heroes/status/666662825071403009) 


They then get into the discussion of 11:53 to Odessa – discussion includes “The Fall Finale” of a mini-series, comparing it to the Season 1 Fall Finale, teasing a HRG death - bad move, marketing teases, the Cadillac Webisode (https://twitter.com/heroes/status/667515244940431361), #PoorHenchmen, Hachiro “betrayal”, Ren’s similar mission, meta narrative to Evernow, 11:53 to Odessa reveal of being a bus, to be in Hero Truther you must wear skinny jeans, bad idea Shape Shifter McGinty, Farah breaking because of Carlos, #EvilParkman shifting back to #PoorParkman, seeing Micah again, why The Haitian’s power wasn’t working with Parkman and Harris’ around, Lost Puppy Dog Luke, Luke actually revealing the truth, I wonder who saved HRG? DUH!, the suspense taken away by knowing HRG is alive, rainbow road, Ricky didn’t like the fantastical before but is all in now – if you’re gonna do it go the whole hog, #TheEvilFradyCats splintering already, Science vs Religion AGAIN, Erica using time travel rationale to bring Tommy round to her point of view, Phoebe drinking the kool-aid, Easter Eggs, World Building, Burning Questions and theory Crafting 


They also discuss the Trailer for after the break (https://youtu.be/Cmb39ZbTf6s), Inside the Eclipse (http://youtu.be/6nVx7JyY2V0), Ricky going on Entertainment Tonight Canada’s youtube Page to discuss Heroes Reborn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCR3Km4lfWE), and finally talk about the Heroes Vengeance Comic #2


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NB There may be spoilers in this review

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