073 – S03E14 – A Clear and Present Danger/Out of Town on Business


Lilith and Ricky discuss A Clear and Present Danger – discussion includes #PoorParkman, Nathans explanation for why he isn’t telling everyone about Specials, Ricky actually liking Claire’s character for once, a more lived in feel to the episode, Claire/Sylar similar back stories, planting the seeds about Peter and his powers, real world parallels, Peter/Mohinder holding no grudges, Heroes going back to ordinary lives, Ricky and Lilith disagreeing about Parkman/Daphne, Ricky noticing continuity problems, Parkman the Prophet, Peter being a dum-dum, and Ricky liking the threat of the show being present day (with no time jumps) and not a world altering storyline just something which is contained to specials. They also discuss the Graphic Novel, Out of Town on Business


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NB There may be spoilers in this review

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