Brain Awareness Day! SYNAPTIK FOUNDATION. Come out to The Learning Tree at 801 Bartholdi Street in the Bronx this Saturday from 1-5pm for Pi and Brain Awareness Day.

[email protected]

Listen and learn more about Brain Awareness Day on The Gist of Freedom

Saturday March 14th

SYNAPTIK FOUNDATION. Come out to The Learning Tree at 801 Bartholdi Street in the Bronx this Saturday from 1-5pm for Pi and Brain Awareness Day.


The most complex object in the known universe, the brain, only uses 20 watts of power.

It would require a nuclear power plant to energize a computer the size of a cit block to mimic

your brain.  Brain Awareness Day! [email protected]

Lavonne Hunter earned a dual BA in Psychology and Special Honors Curriculum, and MS in Secondary Adolescent Education in Biological Sciences from Hunter College. Trained as a research scholar in neurobiology, Ms. Hunter served as the Science Learning Coordinator of the Minority Access to Career (MARC) program coaching MARC scholars, and taught the fundamentals of biomedical research to undergraduates for two years before teaching adolescents. Celebrating her 11th year in New York City classrooms, Ms. Hunter currently teaches 8th Grade Science in the Bronx

O Ms. Hunter actively shares her work presenting workshops on student-led and place-based learning for the World Maker Faire, Alternative Education Resource Organization, and Math for America. Ms. Hunter garners inspiration from two quotes:

1. “Start where you are, with what you have, make something of it, and never be satisfied” – George Washington Carver

2. “The problem with the US educational system is that it rewards students for answering questions they never asked”.