Welcome to episode 35 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Laurel Airica as they explore the magickal roots of the English language and look at how encoded deep into the vibration of the spoken word itself are keys to unlock access points to higher states of consciousness and unity with source.

On the episode Chris & Laurel discuss the history of the English language and how it was magically crafted and constructed to be the 'Atlantean' language of the modern epoch, and what secrets of our collective unconscious can be found when we dig a little deeper into every day words and phrases we take for granted. Laurel then explains how she recognised the alphabet to be a code which created the English language software with which the western mind is programmed by, and why it is in need of a creative upgrade to convey a higher frequency of consciousness in our communication and interactions. Laurel also shares her own spellbinding poetic creations that hypnotise and entrain the mind to see past the exoteric definition of words in order to speak to the soul so it can resonate with the esoteric power behind the spoken word. All of this and more on episode 35 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

 DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

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For more on Laurel Airica and his content check out below

Websites: www.LaurelAirica.com