Welcome to episode 25 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Tris West as they discuss their favourite superfoods for physical, mental and spiritual optimisation. Chris & Tris also disclose the secretive occult sciences and magickal practices used throughout history by the powers at be to keep the masses asleep and enslaved for the benefit of an elite few.

On the episode Chris & Tris explore the 3rd dimensions most powerful superfoods and looks at how nature has supplied us with everything we need to experience daily physical, mental and spiritual wealth. Tris discusses the creation of 'Chi Foods & Bio Chi" Tris's health-food store and supplement brand, along with the importance of supporting conscious brands within the business world. Chris & Tris then breakdown some of the more darker and sinister occult practices that the elite ruling class use on us to keep us locked into a slave state mentality with Stockholm Syndrome. Other topics brought to light include, word magick, the dangers of 5G and the ridiculousness of political correctness in 2019. All of this and more on episode 25 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

BONUS: use code "redpill" for 10% off all purchases on primalalchemy.co.uk

For more on Tris West and his content check out below

Instagram: @tris.west