Welcome to episode 2 of the Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey and guest Andrea Lowell as they delve down the rabbit hole of the awakening process and cover common ground on the difficulties of living the spiritual life within the matrix and a world that is build upon capitalistic values and consumerism.

On this episode Chris and Andrea look into piecing together the complex puzzle of complete holistic health; from high vibrational superfoods for optimal vitality and wellbeing to daily gratitude practices in order to strengthen the connection with your true authentic self. Andrea then takes us through her own awakening process and opens up about her upbringing in a militant christian household and what led to her disconnection from it, all whilst empowering herself into taking responsibility for her own spiritual faith and direct connection to source. Chris and Andrea then break down the elites suppression and removal of scientific research within the medical matrix that challenges the establishments interests and paradigm they have us locked into: a fear based reality. All of this and more on episode 2 of the Red Pill Initiation Hour.

DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

BONUS: use code "redpill" for 10% off all purchases on primalalchemy.co.uk

For more on Andrea Lowell and her content check out below

Instagram: @theandrealowell & @superfitbyandrea