Previous Episode: 86: Sankcije
Next Episode: 88: Plaza

✓ Zašto je Šarlotsvil pun beskućnika?
✓ Čemu služi pešačka zona bez pešaka?
✓ Koga imitira beogradsko rukovodstvo?

✓ Zašto je Šarlotsvil pun beskućnika?

✓ Čemu služi pešačka zona bez pešaka?

✓ Koga imitira beogradsko rukovodstvo?


Charlottesville, Virginia - Wikipedia — Charlottesville, colloquially known as C'ville, is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Monticello - Wikipedia — Monticello was the primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, who began designing Monticello after inheriting land from his father at age 26. Located just outside Charlottesville, Virginia, in the Piedmont region, the plantation was originally 5,000 acres (20 km2), with Jefferson using the labor of enslaved African people for extensive cultivation of tobacco and mixed crops, later shifting from tobacco cultivation to wheat in response to changing markets. Due to its architectural and historic significance, the property has been designated a National Historic Landmark. In 1987, Monticello and the nearby University of Virginia, also designed by Jefferson, were together designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The current nickel, a United States coin, features a depiction of Monticello on its reverse side. Downtown Mall - Wikipedia — The Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia is one of the longest pedestrian malls in the United States. Located on Main Street, it runs from 6th St. N.E. to Old Preston Ave., where it extends to Water St., for total length of eight blocks. It is laid with brick and concrete, and home to an array of restaurants, shops, offices and art galleries. Pavilion information | Ting Pavilion — Located on the east end of the historic downtown mall, Ting Pavilion is the city's premier outdoor venue for live performances. Charlottesville Hotels | Omni Charlottesville Hotel — A seven-story atrium and a cool garden setting set the stage for relaxing or dining, while the hotel’s décor hints at the rich history of Virginia. Add to this modern amenities and wonderful creature comforts, and Omni Charlottesville Hotel is the perfect home away from home.Горан Весић on Twitter — Да би пијаце могле да издрже конкуренцију супермаркета, оне не могу бити само место где се купује воће и поврће
То су данас места где се може попити кафа, купити сувенир итд., а да притом остану оно што су одувек биле - места окупљања свих грађана
Палилуска пијаца некад и сад!Palilulska pijaca - Beogradski izlet — Kada poželite da i upoznate grad iz prve ruke i čujete šta građana misle o različitim temama, ali i da osetite pravi duh grada umesto da odete na neko izletište, preporučujemo da posetite popularne beogradske pijace. Kao i u svakom gradu sveta, pijaca je mesto gde se susreću članovi porodičnih gazdinstava iz prigradskih opština ili gradova Srbije, preprodavci i kupci iz svih staleža.

Ali umesto tradicionalnih pijaca, odnosno trgova pijaca, koje su obično na otvorenom, kakva je i palilulska pijaca bila pre rekonsturkcije, danas na mestu stare stoji jedan savremen objekat koji više liči na modernu galeriju ili šoping centar nego na pijacu. Nekima liči na svemirski brod, drugima na Titanik, a nekima pak na parče torte, ali svejedno nikoga izgled ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Priključenija 36 — BetonThe Power Broker - Wikipedia — The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York is a 1974 biography of Robert Moses by Robert Caro. The book focuses on the creation and use of power in local and state politics, as witnessed through Moses' use of unelected positions to design and implement dozens of highways and bridges, sometimes at great cost to the communities he nominally served. It has been repeatedly named one of the best biographies of the 20th century, and has been highly influential on city planners and politicians throughout the United States. The book won a Pulitzer Prize in 1974.

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