Previous Episode: 67: Elita
Next Episode: 69: Merenje

✓ Kako velike multinacionalne kompanije prate trendove?
✓ Da li je američki meki uticaj prestao da se širi?
✓ Hoće li stati ko u odbranu zapadnog imperijalizma?

✓ Kako velike multinacionalne kompanije prate trendove?

✓ Da li je američki meki uticaj prestao da se širi?

✓ Hoće li stati ko u odbranu zapadnog imperijalizma?


Coca-Cola® with Coffee Dark Blend | Coca-Cola® — Great Coca-Cola® taste infused with Brazilian coffee in Coca-Cola® with Coffee Dark Blend.Apple Events - October 2021 - AppleThe Metaverse and How We'll Build It Together -- Connect 2021 - YouTube — This year at Connect, we're sharing our vision for the metaverse.The 2021 Microsoft Windows Event - YouTube — See what's next for Windows.Microsoft Ignite 2021 - YouTube — Join CEO and Chairman, Satya Nadella on the virtual stage at Microsoft Ignite on November 2, 2021.​Bill Gates Jumps Over Chair - YouTube — Bill Gates demonstrates his chair jumping skills in front of Connie Chung.Steve Ballmer Runs Around Like A Maniac On Stage (Motivational Presentation) - YouTube — Steve Ballmer is worth $16 Billion.Glenn Youngkin wins Virginia governor race; Terry McAuliffe concedes : NPR — Youngkin's victory could be a template for other Republicans. The former private equity CEO and first-time candidate drew raucous crowds in the closing stages of the race by channeling conservative outrage over public education. Many supporters said they were enthusiastic about his defense of parents who are concerned about the way race is taught in school, as well as new protections for transgender students passed by the Virginia legislature. Koreni wokisma - by Slaviša Tasić - Tržišno rešenje — Razvoj wokisma odvija se iz nedelje u nedelju pred našim očima. Ne isključujem da ću menjati mišljenje o njegovim korenima, uzrocima i posledicama, jer pravih materijala i tumačenja će tek biti. Sigurno je, u svakom slučaju, da se ovde radi o veoma starim idejnim strujama koje sada vidimo u jednoj savremenoj i radikalnoj manifestaciji. Zato nisam spreman da otpišem wokism kao privremenu i prolaznu budalaštinu. The Woke Meritocracy - Tablet Magazine — What is new about education’s turn to woke identity politics is not the fact that administrators and faculty are influencing students’ sense of self, but rather the sort of values that the new ideal personality is supposed to uphold. The contemporary ideal, increasingly, is no longer someone so charmingly personable that others forget he is in fact a ruthless competitor, but a person who so convincingly narrates her having overcome some kind of social injustice that others forget she is in fact a beneficiary of systems of privilege.Bullshit jobs and the yoke of managerial feudalism | The Economist — A bullshit job is one that even the person doing it secretly believes need not, or should not, exist. That if the job, or even the whole industry, were to vanish, either it would make no difference to anyone, or the world might even be a slightly better place.