Previous Episode: 58: Putevi
Next Episode: 60: Srbija

✓ Zašto plaćati sportistima za osvojenu olimpijsku medalju?
✓ Ko može da priušti sebi Roleks?
✓ U čijem dvorištu raste drvo sa parama?

✓ Zašto plaćati sportistima za osvojenu olimpijsku medalju?

✓ Ko može da priušti sebi Roleks?

✓ U čijem dvorištu raste drvo sa parama?


Peter Thiel - Wikipedia — Peter Andreas Thiel (/tiːl/; born 11 October 1967) is a German-American billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist. A co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund, he was the first outside investor in Facebook.Zero to One - Wikipedia — Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future is a 2014 book by the American entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel co-written with Blake Masters. It is a condensed and updated version of a highly popular set of online notes taken by Masters for the CS183 class on startups, as taught by Thiel at Stanford University in Spring 2012.Penzije i nagrade - by Slaviša Tasić - Tržišno rešenje — Nacionalne penzije uvela je vlada DSS-a i DS-a, nastavio SNS, niko drugi ko se bori za glasove ih ne pominje i ja mogu samo da zaključim da ideja ima veliku podršku u javnom mnjenju. A užasna je na nekoliko načina.We Can’t Go Back to a Golden Age of Capitalism — Q: One of the main ideas in your book has to do with how, if we narrow our focus on the super rich, we observe that the composition of capital and labor in that class has changed a great deal in the last thirty years. Can you explain that idea?
A: It goes back to the concept of “homoplutia” that I mentioned earlier, where we have people at the top of the income distribution who are both rich in the sense of capital and labor income. This is a new development. U Trst po farmerke - CdM — Početkom 1960-ih počinje era šoping-putovanja u Trst i ona će potrajati sve do kraja 1980-ih. Pogranični grad, ekonomski slabo razvijen, pun ksenofobije i nacionalizma odjednom se pretvorio u mravinjak, prvu adresu zapada za stanovnike komunističke Jugoslavije.