Stories that warm your heart like walking into a Cracker Barrel, or enjoying a good Hallmark movie. To stay in touch, become a patron of the show, or get your own key to the city!

Prides Hollow is full of southern stories that will amuse, entertain, and leave you with an inspirational message. In this first episode, Harriet, a color-between-the-lines kind of lady, does something that most people would have thought was crazy.

You see, Harriet lives in the house down the road, with the grey shutters. She's worn her hair in the same tight bun for what seems like forever, and both her and her husband, Harold, always lived on the safe side of life. 

That all changed when Harold died. You would expect that the challenge from Old Man Withers would bypass Harriet completely. But these southern stories are full of people who take a chance. That’s part of what this inspirational message is about.

When Harriet heard the mailman recite the challenge, her heart jumped up right away. She knew exactly what she would do if she was brave. She wanted to drive the Buick her and Harold owned. Only problem was, she had never learned to drive. 

That didn’t stop her. With her neighbor Noreen as her impromptu coach, the pair took Harold’s ashes and drove off in search of a place to scatter them.

This is one of those southern stories that’s full of seemingly ordinary folks, whose actions end up surprising everyone. The story finishes with an inspirational message from Kelly, about the importance of doing something brave, even if it doesn't seem to make any sense.

If you enjoyed this first episode, be sure to catch the next one, which will air in two weeks, on Wednesday 9pm EST. Kelly will be there to chat in the community thread!

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