Episode Notes

For many years, October 11 has been recognized in our country as “National Coming Out Day.”

Have you ever wondered why do we celebrate coming out? Do you know what is the importance of coming out for the LGBTQ+ Community?

In this edition of Pride Connection, we share and listen personal stories that illustrate why it is so important. Join us, as we hear powerful testimonials from a diverse panel composed of BPI Members.

Pride is the opposite of shame; and for too long, members of the LGBTQ+ Community were forced to live in shame, in a closet. Coming Out is the act of sharing with loved ones and society at large the fullness of our beauty and the entirety of our light!

Letting someone you know that they have a safe space in which they can feel free to come out and be themselves is not only life-changing, but it can also be life-saving.

Please join Pride Connection, as BPI celebrates National Coming Out Day!

Tuesday, October 10 at 10:00 PM EDT and shortly after through your favorite podcast catcher.