In this week’s episode of Pricing is Positioning, I am going to share ten pricing mistakes that are preventing you from getting better rates. While there may be a vast array of common mistakes being made, the ten I mention in today’s episode are ones I see often when working with my clients.  

In this episode, I cover everything from charging by the hour (and why that IS a mistake), posting pricing on your website (yes, another mistake), and even why having an unhealthy view of money is getting in the way of your success. Some of the mistakes I discuss you will have heard before, but some of it may be new to you. Listen to today’s episode to hear my comprehensive top ten list of pricing mistakes that are holding you back.

In this episode, I’ll cover these topics:

Why charging by the hour is not okay Anchoring and why anchoring too high could be an issue Using bloated and long multi-page proposals Viewing the exchange of money as a personal relationship rather than a business exchange

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FREE Webinar May 23rd, Next Thursday 10:00 am Pacific (1:00 eastern) 3 Pricing Secrets Preventing Freelancers From Getting Better Rates

The Pricing Is Positioning Course

The Product Pricing Roadmap


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