Jessica Spry-Sinay and husband, Willem, daughter Yaiza

Jessica Spry-Sinay lives in the Netherlands with her husband and 2 daughters. She wanted to share her experience with two HG pregnancies and hear about the differences in treatment and care in other countries. She volunteers for a support group in her own country and reaches out to support groups in neighboring countries to offer help whenever she can.

We talked about:

Emesafene: first choice anti-emetic for HG in the Netherlands
She was told she had normal morning sickness at first, but then needed a 13 day hospital stay.
Had HG with her missed abortion (sac was found but never a heartbeat).
3rd pregnancy was hospitalized at 6 weeks
After the HG abated around 22 weeks, she was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes
She saw 8 different OB-GYNs and got 8 different treatment plans.
in the Netherlands, Ob-GYNs are typically only for high risk pregnancies or complications. Midwives handle all normal pregnancies but they don't have a protocol for HG.
The Netherlands supports homebirth, low c-section rates and very low epidural rates. Only complicated births are in the hospital.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Support Group in Holland
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Facebook Support group in Holland
They "cracker" and "ginger" women with HG over there too.
2 meters equals about 6 ft. 5.5 inches. That's tall!
Don't brush your teeth after vomiting. Just rinse with water.
Jessica feels a duty to stay in the groups and offer support and experience to the new women coming in every day suffering from HG.