Amy tells her story of having Hyperemesis Gravidarum during her first and only pregnancy. She described it as a "living hell" and while she's so grateful to have her son, she doesn't know if she can do it again. She was also diagnosed with PTSD, which stands for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. I think you'll identify with much of what she describes.

I often hear women lamenting that they wish they could have one more child or that they dreamed of having a large family, but won't because they can't go through HG again. It's one of the most difficult decisions to make. It's part of what motivates me to continue to figure out the causes of HG.

References mentioned in the Podcast:
Avanza/Mirtazpine: anti-emetic/anti-depressant
Phenergan/Promethazine: anti-histamine
Unisom/Doxylamine: over the counter anti-histamine
B6: It's recommended to get the active form of B6, such as this.
Cloudy apple juice: It's thought that the malic acid that is naturally occuring in unfiltered apple juice softens gallstones so that they can be naturally expelled.
GAPS diet: Diet that stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome is a healing diet, meant to treat inflammation in the body and leaky gut syndrome.