Interview with Lily Nichols, RD

Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, Certified LEAP Therapist and Certified Pilates Instructor whose approach to nutrition embraces real food, integrative medicine, and mindful eating. Her practice focuses on digestive health, food sensitivities, and of course, prenatal nutrition. She's passionate about helping moms with gestational diabetes control their blood sugar using real food, mindfulness, and exercise. Her forthcoming book, Real Food For Gestational Diabetes, will be available in 2015. For more from Lily, including her free ebook, 33 Yummy & Healthy Pregnancy Snacks, visit

In this episode:

Gestational Diabetes (GD) aka "carbohydrate intolerance"
A1C test gives an average blood sugar of the past 3 months
Testing in the first trimester can predict GD with 98% accuracy
By the tenth week, there is a 3 to 3.5 percent increase in insulin production than normal
Insulin resistance in the second and third trimester is the body's normal way of shunting glucose to the baby
Why the current recommendations don't make sense
The difference between nutritional ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis
How you can control you GD with diet
Why medicine may be needed
Why we don't have enough studies on ketosis and pregnancy
Why the studies we do have are poorly designed
Gluconeogenesis: Glucose can be made from fat and proteins