What is it like to be a music artist? I used to ask myself this question when I was a kid singing along to Britney Spears and pretending my scarf was a microphone, and today I got to interview dark-popstar on the rise, Ashley Zarah. We didn't just talk about music and finding inspiration as a creator, but we dove deep into discovering your identity, forging your own path, finding a community that empowers you, and also what it's like to be Persian (and yes, food WAS discussed #yourewelcome). Ashley has a fascinating story of resilience and overcoming a lot of struggles in her life, and I hope this episode will show you how anything is possible with a little bit of work and a lot of belief in yourself.

Follow Ashley's adventures & music creation on Instagram:

And be sure to listen to her music on Spotify (you'll be dancing along with the beats and shouting out the lyrics in no time): 

Looking to start a podcast this year & don't know where to start? I've got you! I'm hosting a FREE masterclass on February 11th, you can sign up right here & catch the replay if you miss it: