If you've ever wondered what your social media account SHOULD include, look no further and listen to this episode! We will break down what you need across the BIG 3! 

Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok!

-Find out WHY potential followers are swiping left before they book with you and learn how to get them swiping right! 

-Unlock the key to building trust

-Master the art of targeting your ideal client or student! 

//VISIT https://www.getpmuclients.com to learn more ways to get clients (as students) why it works, get FREE access to 2 MONEY MAKING resources, and sign up for a free 60-minute strategy call to learn more about Pretty Rich Bosses and set you on a path of success for your business.

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    //VISIT http://www.thepmusummit.com  to register for the AAM Summit 2023

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