Hey guys and gals in the beauty industry! If you missed out on Pretty Ambitious Summitt 2021 (PAS), we are sharing with you Sheila Bella amazing, energizing, and inspirational opening speach on: how PAS 2021 came to be, how networking at PAS could help your career, and how each PAS speaker will give you the tools you need to crush it in achieving your goals to becoming a wealthy and successful beauty boss! 

//VISIT https://www.sheilabella.com/event to register for Pretty Ambitious Summit //Visit Sheilabella.com/apply to sign up for a free 60-minute strategy call to learn more about Pretty Rich Bosses and set you on a path of success for your business. RESOURCES: -FREE RESOURCES   https://sheilabella.com/free -GET YOUR FIRST 10K FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM https://www.sheilabella.com/growyourgram //APPLY FOR OUR HIGH LEVEL MASTERMIND PRETTY RICH BOSSES AND GET 1+1 COACHING FOR YOUR BEAUTY BUSINESS!!! SPACE IS LIMITED!  https://www.sheilabella.com/apply // F O L L O W Website | www.SheilaBella.com Instagram | www.instagram.com/RealSheilaBella // PODCAST: https://www.sheilabella.com/prettyrichpodcast