Ep. 31 WE ARE REUNITED, Breezy is back! On Episode 31, we answer the last two questions of 21 questions. "Do you have any regrets, if so what is it & why" & "What are you currently worried about?". After discussing our regrets, we realize that "regrets" are lessons to allow us to receive new blessings. But BDot talks about the time she took her boyfriend sister with her to see her ex. #BadIdea & Breezy talks about oversharing & trusting people..... BRose(Shoutout to Wild & Woke Podcast), asked us about "What are the Struggle of Dating while you're a Christian & How to identify the real in Guys" (Relationship with Christ vs. Religion) We get into knowing your worth, what you allow & having boundaries. Having patience in a microwave society, & allowing God to reveal things. Tell Us: Do you think being friends with the opposite sex before you pursue a relationship is important? Share your response on Twitter or IG @PrettyLitPod #PrettyLitTalk Questions to Ask Yourself: - Do I have any regrets & why do I regret what I did / what happened? - Are there lessons God wants me to learn from these regrets & have I learned it? -Can I sit still, & allow God to reveal to me what He needs to from that regret? -What am I currently worried about & have I brought that worry to Christ? -Do you rush into relationships (Dating, Friends, etc) or allow time to reveal things in people? -Do I carry the characteristic that I desire in a significant other or friend? Connect with Us: IG: @prettylitpod twitter: @prettylitpod website: PrettyLitPod.com If you loved today's episode or any past episode, please subscribe, rate & review & tell your friends to listen in. #PrettyLitPod #AudioWaveNetwork

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