In the first episode of our new weekly Nieman Lab podcast, we look at how they built a central gathering point for news devs and how they're trying to pull coders into journalism.

I’m very excited to welcome you to Press Publish, our brand new weekly Nieman Lab podcast.

Here’s the deal: At Nieman Lab, I’m very lucky to be able to talk with a lot of smart people engaged in building the future of news. Journalists, technologists, business-side folks, entrepreneurs, academics: They each have different angles on where we’re headed and how they’re trying to get us there. I’ve always wanted a forum to have longer conversations with these people — to nerd out with them, really — and share them with our audience.

So that’s what Press Publish will be: a weekly conversation with the people making the future of news.

We’ll be putting out a new episode every week, and they’ll usually average 45 minutes to an hour. (Great for commutes!) My hope is that, if you listen regularly, you’ll get a good sweep of the many ways news is changing — and also that you’ll get to hear from a lot of interesting people.

A quick note: Most episodes of Press Publish will be at least a little bit nerdy. This one gets a little nerdy about code; future episodes might be nerdy about advertising formats or workflows or analytics or academia. I’ll do my best to make sure it all remains accessible, but, hey — nerding out is what we aim to do here. I think part of our mission is to be a center point for different kinds of nerds to learn from each other, and I hope Press Publish will be part of that. Also, with each episode I’ll pull out links to all the things we talk about and include them in the Show Notes section below.

Episode 1: Dan Sinker and Erin Kissane

Dan Sinker and Erin Kissane are two of the key people behind Source, the new(ish) site from Knight-Mozilla OpenNews. Here’s how they describe it:

Source is a Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project designed to amplify the impact of journalism code and the community of developers, designers, journalists, and editors who make it.

They do that by assembling a big, living repository of journalistic code, interviewing developers about how they did certain things, highlighting community events, and more. It’s pretty great for those of us are interested in the code side of journalism — and it’s definitely worth watching if you want to keep up with that rapidly developing space.

I talked with Dan and Erin about how Source came to be, how they designed a content strategy for it, how they’ve tried to work with the existing community of news devs, and how the journalism+code equation is evolving.


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Show notes


Dan Sinker

Erin Kissane



Punk Planet

The F***ing Epic Twitter Quest of @MayorEmanuel

Contents Magazine

The Elements of Content Strategy

A List Apart

Knight-Mozilla OpenNews






Jeremy Ashkenas

Agile software development

Krista Stevens

Scott Klein

Brian Boyer

Joe Germuska

Heather Billings

Ryan Pitts

OpenNews Learning

Erika Owens


Responsive IFrames


Simple Tiles

2012 MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference

Tang (which wasn’t invented by or for NASA, actually)

Knight-Mozilla OpenNews’ News Developer Portraits

News Developer Portraits: Jeremy Ashkenas, New York Times

Jacob Harris

Source on The New York Times’ election results loader

Mike Bostock

Source on The New York Times’ 512 Paths to the White House

Source coverage of the 2012 elections

Source coverage of Hurricane Sandy

Source’s “People” content type

Chris Groskopf

Biella Coleman

Coleman, “Three Ethical Moments in Debian”

IETF language tags


Miguel Paz

Versioned writing

Twitter Mentions