Previous Episode: PPR At GDC 12

PAX East 2012 is slowly creeping up on us, and Press Pause Radio will be there in full force ready to cover the event and all the games that will be showcased on the convention floor. Sit down for what is probalby the shortest episode of PPR in it's history as we discuss what the site will be covering and preparing for the event, and what you can expect from us in our second trip to Boston. George was unable to join us on the recording, but will be at PAX East next week, so expect alot of ranting and possible Ballsrog cosplay from everyone's lovable scumbag (His words, not mine). We hope to see you in Boston, but if you are unable to attend make sure to keep an eye on the site as we deliver all the sites and sounds from PAX directly to your internet machine of choice. Thanks everyone as we will see you at PAX!