Segment 1 - If We Stand With #IndiaArie

For far too long #JoeRogan has been getting paid despite the fact that he is often racist. The good thing is, he does not insult our intelligence by apologizing for what he clearly feels in his heart. But once again there is one among us, who has decided to take a stand against the platform that supports Joe Rogan and his platform. We need to stand with her and follow suit.

Segment 2 - If We Stand With #BrianFlores

Here we are again. A Black Man in the NFL is taking a stand against the widespread racism in the NFL. The last time this happened Black Players in the NFL showed no backbone, players like Dez Bryant decided to shuck and jive for an owner who issued racist statements, and only a handful of players stood with a man who was trying to change the system.

This can’t keep happening. If we are going to refuse to make the sacrifice and stand with those who are trying to force change, then we can’t keep marching, crying, and praying when change never comes.

Segment 3 - If we Stand with #WhoopieGoldberg

Like it or not the woman was not wrong. I am a Black Woman. I can also be Jewish. Why? Because being Jewish is about religion not about race. But, when you control the narrative you can control the message. Whoopie’s suspension has nothing to do with her being incorrect in her statements. It’s about those who hold her job, and therefore her career and income in their hands holding the power. There is power in numbers. When you have the numbers you can dictate what is right and what is wrong. If we as Black People decided to join our numbers, we could create our own narrative.


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