Hello, dear friends, and welcome to the first episode of the Press A to Pick Up podcast. This week, Dave, Dan, Craig and Grayson take the mic and discuss Steam, Dota 2 competition The International, Destiny, and why Phil Fish is a sanctimonious nobend. Any questions for next week’s hosts? Email [email protected], or socialmediarise us […]

Hello, dear friends, and welcome to the first episode of the Press A to Pick Up podcast. This week, Dave, Dan, Craig and Grayson take the mic and discuss Steam, Dota 2 competition The International, Destiny, and why Phil Fish is a sanctimonious nobend.

Any questions for next week’s hosts? Email [email protected], or socialmediarise us on the Facebooks or Twitters.

Finally, we’d really appreciate your iTunes reviews and subscribes, because those actions will move us on up the charts and help get us noticed by an audience significantly cooler than you plebs. Toodles!

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