Special guests Diana Deibel and Rebecca Evanhoe join the show. They are the co-authors of the recent book, “[Conversations with Things](https://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/conversations-with-things/)” and we discuss how to design machines so they better understand everyone.

Special guests Diana Deibel and Rebecca Evanhoe join the show. They are the co-authors of the recent book, “Conversations with Things” and we discuss how to design machines so they better understand everyone.

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Guest Starring:

Diana Deibel and Rebecca Evanhoe

Links and Show Notes: Support Presentable with a Relay FM Membership Get the Book: Conversations with Things - Rosenfeld Media

Conversations with Things

Gartner Artificial Intelligence Hype Cycle Diana Deibel (@dianadoesthis) on Twitter Rebecca Evanhoe (@revanhoe) on Twitter Grand Studio

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