Louis Hyman discusses the rise of the gig economy and how the gig economy is a consequence of “income volatility.” He discusses the ways businesses and the federal government can support gig economy workers as well as the current “productivity paradox.” He then discusses the history of personal debt in the United States and the tools that were created to expand the use of credit. He also discusses changes to the provision of consumer credit post-2008 financial crisis and his thoughts on whether lending institutions will change their practices towards gig economy workers. Finally, he discusses ways businesses are engaging marginalized groups as both labor pools and consumers.

Louis Hyman is a historian of work and business at the ILR School of Cornell University, where he also directs the Institute for Workplace Studies in New York City. He has published two books on the history of personal debt (Debtor Nation and Borrow) as well as a book about the history of the rise of consultants, temps, freelancers, and day laborers in our businesses (Temp). A former Fulbright scholar and McKinsey associate, Hyman received his PhD in American history from Harvard University. He teaches the MOOC American Capitalism: A History through EdX and is the founding editor of the Columbia Studies in the History of U.S. Capitalism book series from Columbia University Press.

Links from the Episode at presentvaluepodcast.com
Faculty Profile: Louis Hyman