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Presence: Experiencing the Nearness of God

535 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 8 ratings

A frequent reflection on how a middle-aged, marginal Catholic sees the MORE, aka God, by looking for the more in the world around. Episodes focused on this light have interspersed ST21 episodes - a modern version of The Screwtape Letters. Listen and see how to recognize the nearness of the MORE and hear how to avoid being distracted away from the deep. May this podcast help you to see and experience deeply. Support this podcast:

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The MORE in a Time Two Years On From Uncertainty to Amazement

June 10, 2023 03:19 - 9 minutes - 8.95 MB

Are you, right now, facing a time of change and uncertainty? I was, exactly two years ago. Please listen as I share how I wrote and prayed during June 2021. And how my life has unfolded in amazing ways from then until now. God - The MORE - moved & worked in my story. I believe that The MORE is moving & working in your own story right now too. --- Support this podcast:

The MORE - Helping My Dad Figure Out One Drive

May 30, 2023 02:17 - 5 minutes - 5.38 MB

Do you know how to use Microsoft One Drive? I kind of do. On Memorial Day I Zoomed with my 83 year old dad and showed him how to use this often confusing computer tool. I was surprised to experience The MORE (how I am growing to know God) in this mundane act of service. It got me wondering about the deeper more in a child teaching and/or supporting their aging parent - especially as the child does so in far more expansive ways than how I served my dad and helped him to figure out (at least a ...

The MORE - Listening to Peter Gabriel's "I/O" Song on May 6th

May 07, 2023 04:37 - 6 minutes - 5.66 MB

I listen to Peter Gabriel - an artist who has inspired me for 35 years now - sing as I walk my pooch on a beautiful Saturday AM. In his new song "I/O" he declares a truth "I'm just a part of everything." So much of the world around us shows this to be true. Listen as I ponder how even one H2O molecule in the saliva in your mouth reveals this truth. --- Support this podcast:

The MORE in Stephen King's "Fairytale"

May 04, 2023 19:23 - 6 minutes - 5.65 MB

I finish listening to the outstanding 24 hour long audiobook of King's newest novel "Fairytale". The simple, yet engaging telling of a familiar tale allows me to go deep into the more it holds. Like the 'Fairy Stories" about which Tolkien spoke this fairytale illuminates the light and dark in our world. The MORE ultimately dispels the darkness, yet in this not yet time, the shadows within each of us remain. Learn more at --- Suppo...

The MORE - Eager Sniffing on May 1st

May 02, 2023 03:05 - 5 minutes - 5.21 MB

I return to a theme which is at the center of hundreds of prior episodes - experiencing God - The MORE. Today I reflect on how my dog Lucy, with her intense focus on a patch of grass as we walked in the rain, reminded me of how I can use my senses to ponder any sliver of the world I encounter as a go about my day. By finding the deep more to everything, I experience The MORE who creates and sustains it all. --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century - The Spy Wednesday After the Indictment Day

April 06, 2023 02:44 - 6 minutes - 5.74 MB

Screwtape celebrates how The Enemy's own self-identified followers are facilitating his Dark Father's cause as these Reds claim that they and their boy Prince Chaos are the actual victims. ST21 is pleased that dark history was again made on April 4th like it was made on January 6th (Epiphany.) Yet, he relishes the irony of how it might have taken place a day later on Spy Wed. - the day Judas' betrayal is remember during Screwtape's "Profane Week." --- Support this podcast: https://podcaste...

ST21 century - Indictment During Profane Week

April 03, 2023 03:19 - 5 minutes - 5.49 MB

Screwtape is excited that the first ever indictment of a former US president will take place as a spectacle and thus distraction for the faithful during what he calls "Profane Week". --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century-7_DANGER - Mission Ahead

March 26, 2023 19:46 - 5 minutes - 4.65 MB

It's Code Yellow when Wormwood tells ST21 that Fr. Steven Bell, a thoughtful and authentic priest is coming for a three day mission. ST21 commands that Wormwood must prevent his Patient from attending and being drawn closer to The Enemy and his warm embrace. --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century - Exploit the Madness of March

March 21, 2023 03:28 - 5 minutes - 5.1 MB

Screwtape encourages Wormwood to guide his Patient to find pleasure and doom in one of the greatest inventions by The Agency of Enticement to Obsession -- online sports betting. --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century - On Thanksgiving and the Danger of Gratitude

November 24, 2022 18:52 - 5 minutes - 4.58 MB

ST21 explains to Wormwood the risk and potential reward for their Dark Father on the U.S. day of Thanksgiving. While the Seven Slippery Slides - gluttony, greed and envy - are there at the table, so too is the risk that The Patient may feel the vilest of attitudes - that of gratitude. ST shows WW how he can deploy two of their most effective tools - distraction and entitlement to keep the man away from the generosity their Enemy is always showing to His creation. And to lead the man ever clos...

ST21 century - Prince of Chaos 2024

November 16, 2022 04:26 - 4 minutes - 4.04 MB

ST21 speaks to Wormwood for the first time in the week since the 2022 election. He encouragea WW to "keep his chins up" as The Prince of Chaos has announced that he is running again for president in 2024. ST21 extoles the vices of this remarkable figure and prepares for the decisive chaos ahead on the road to 2024. --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century - Midterm Election Day

November 08, 2022 17:29 - 5 minutes - 4.82 MB

ST21 explains to Wormwood what it means that "democracy is on the ballot today." ST21 recounts the dark reality of how some of the same people who fought for democracy 80 years ago and in decades since, will today vote for candidates who boast of how they will ignore the will of the people when votes are cast. This makes ST21 proclaim - "Truly this is Our Dark Father's century!" --- Support this podcast:

ST21 century - Two Days Until the Midterms

November 07, 2022 02:53 - 8 minutes - 7.44 MB

Screwtape brings Wormword out of exile and gets his nephew up to speed with smartphones and other aspects of the 21st century. WW's "patient" - a white middle aged American Evangelical Catholic is preparing to vote. ST21 tells Wormword of the delicious hypocrisy this man and others like him show as they hurt those whom Christ identified as "my little ones." --- Support this podcast:

Screwtape Updated. Introducing a new podcast "ST21 century"

November 07, 2022 02:20 - 4 minutes - 3.71 MB

"The Screwtape Letters," written by C.S. Lewis and published in 1942 is one of the most remarkable novels ever written about good and evil. What would the character Screwtape have to say about our world and the U.S. in 2022 and beyond. Listen and follow along at --- Support this podcast:

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing: Advent Reflections - O Wisdom

December 17, 2020 03:49 - 7 minutes - 6.46 MB

The Church begins the age old "O Antiphon" prayers on Dec 17th? Learn about these centuries old prayers and how they connect with the hymn O Come O Come Emmanuel. Today we pray for the coming of God's Wisdom to come upon us. Learn more at --- Support this podcast:

Third Sunday of Advent: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing -Advent Reflections

December 13, 2020 04:02 - 8 minutes - 7.85 MB

Its the rose-colored Third Sunday of Advent and we hear St. Paul's exhortation to "Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing!" How do we do this in the brutal 2020 though? By remembering that Emmanuel - God with is - is here even in the midst of the mess. Find more at --- Support this podcast:

First Monday of Advent - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing: Daily Advent Reflections

November 30, 2020 03:58 - 7 minutes - 7.4 MB

Its the first weekday of Advent 2021 and the Church remembers Saint Andrew the Apostle. For the readings of the day and a video about St. Andrew, visit --- Support this podcast:

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing: First Sunday of Advent

November 29, 2020 03:39 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

The Advent journey begins with Jesus telling us to 'Be watchful!' and 'Be alert!' We hear the prophet Isaiah reminding us that God has already done amazing deeds for those who wait for God. Listen to hear the themes of the four weeks of Advent and an invitation to be more mindful in your prayer during this season. For more resources visit --- Support this podcast:

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing: Advent Reflections - Christ the King

November 28, 2020 03:40 - 7 minutes - 7.08 MB

The last week of the liturgical year begins with Christ the King Sunday. The week ends with a vision of a "new heaven and a new earth" as well as word from Jesus warning us "to stay vigilant" so we can endure "the tribulations to come". How do we do this, especially as we are on the cusp of the new liturgical year? For links to the scripture cited and more resources visit --- Support this podcast:

Trailer - "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing: Daily Advent Reflections

November 27, 2020 19:18 - 2 minutes - 2.17 MB

My newest subpodcast for Advent 2021. Listen to the sevenish minute reflections on one or more of the liturgical readings - posted before each day of Advent. Follow my blog for links to the readings and much more! --- Support this podcast:

Words For Now and Later - L is for LOVE

July 17, 2020 05:33 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

"The most radical, hopeful act one can perform as a citizen is to love freely, deeply, articulately...This is how a decent society is built outside of its laws and continual quest for justice." From page 73 in 'Dictionary of the Undoing' by John Freeman. For more visit --- Support this podcast:

Word For Now and Later - K is for KILLING

July 04, 2020 16:44 - 13 minutes - 12.7 MB

"If you have ever watched power crumble, you know it happens very suddenly. One day a wall is up and the next it is coming down" (p 70). We don't have to continue to be silent about the killing that takes place around us everyday. Listen and be inspired to stand up, rise up in boycotts and marching to tear down the monuments to violent and hatred and build memorials which inspire and remind us of The Common Good. For more on this and for resources see --- Support this ...

Words For Now and Later - J is for JUSTICE

July 02, 2020 04:39 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

"Justice may not be blind, it may give too much respect to the size of one's wallet, but it does respect momentum." (p 63) from "Dictionary of the Undoing" by John Freeman. Visit by blog for materials related to this episode -- --- Support this podcast:

Words For Now and Later - I is for 'I'

June 25, 2020 17:08 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Has the rise of the internet and social media made Americans more self-centered? As our own individual 'I' has felt more powerful have we lost the experience of how much more powerful a 'we' is? The uprising that is continuing in the US shows what happens when we put down our devices and gather as a 'we, the people' Learn more at --- Support this podcast:

#4 - Year 3 - 100 Days of Pandemic

June 22, 2020 04:35 - 21 minutes - 19.9 MB

Sunday, June 21st marks the 100th day since I began counting this Pandemic Period from Friday, March 13th. I go back and listen to and comment on the podcast episode I recorded on March 11th as the seriousness of the coronavirus and the disruption it could cause was becoming more apparent. In light of what I noted on March 11th, where are we today - 100 days later? Visit my blog at for more resources and to comment on what you heard in this episode. --- Support this pod...

Words For Now and Later - H is for HOPE

June 21, 2020 21:32 - 13 minutes - 12.6 MB

"Hope is less an emotion than a field, a magnetism...Hope operates as a positive charge between people and wants to move." These words are by John Freeman from page 45 of his book 'Dictionary of the Undoing'. We are living in a time of illness and uprising. Fear, playing out as denial, is around us. And yet an electric hope has driven people to the streets for 4 weeks now and change is happening. For more on this theme please visit my blog --- Support this podcast: htt...

Words For Now and Later - G is For GIVING

June 17, 2020 01:50 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Since the Pandemic Period began nearly 100 days ago, we have seen great human suffering. While the federal gov has been generally unwilling or unable to give in meaningful ways to aleviate this suffering, neighborhoods, groups and inviduals have heroically stepped up to give. In the uprising after the lynching of George Floyd, millions have poured into streets around the world in acts of protest and agitating for change. This must be the beginning as each of us, especially me and other white ...

Words For Now and Later – F is For FAIR

June 01, 2020 16:25 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

Have you ever seen a molten blob of super heated sand ready to be blown and shaped into glass? I have and you can too at my blog - In his his chapter on how we acheive greater fairness in our nation John Freeman uses the metaphor of sand turned by great heat into glass. Listen as I reflect on how the current protests and inter–related traumas - health, economic, and white supremacy on display in the murder of George Floyd - have brought us to a moment of rupture through wh...

Words For Now and Later – E is for ENVIRONMENT

May 26, 2020 16:46 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

This Pandemic Period is showing us how the world looks with somewhat lower CO2 emissions. It is also shining a harsh light on meat packing and the risk of disease for workers in those factories. How should we think about the natural world as we eventually emerge from this crisis and seek to better care for creation? For resources supporting this episode visit --- Support this podcast:

Words For Now and Later - D is for DECENCY

May 22, 2020 21:06 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Its clear to see that over the past decade or so and especially since the 2016 election, there's been an erosion of what is considered "common decency" in our society. There's a shocking indecency specifically in words used to describe others and generally what is acceptable for elected leaders to say or Tweet. Listen as I reflect on how a presidential proclaimation made earlier today to 'open the churches' could be used by relgious leaders to indecently hurt The Common Good. I also share a d...

Words For Now and Later - C is for Citizen

April 28, 2020 18:10 - 11 minutes - 10.6 MB

I live in Ohio where our governor talks daily to the "citizens" of our state. Not far away in Wisconsin voters a few weeks ago had a stark choice - stay at home in safety or risk infection and go out to vote. Identifying as a citizen today and demanding a safe and fair vote in November is critical now. See the articles referenced in this episode at --- Support this podcast:

The Book of Psalms B - Psalms 149/150, 41 and 17

April 22, 2020 02:23 - 19 minutes - 18.2 MB

The next in my series of recordings as we remotely learn. Here is a pair of significant Psalms (149 & 150). A Psalm of joy and trust (41) and a Psalm of lament and anger (17). Each Psalm is read from three translations - the Catholic NARB, the scholarly NRSV, and the modern Message Bible. --- Support this podcast:

The Book of Psalms A - Psalms 1, 27, 22

April 22, 2020 01:52 - 21 minutes - 20.1 MB

The next in my series of recordings as we remotely learn. Here is a significant Psalm (1). A Psalm of joy and trust (27) and a familiar Psalm of lament and anger (22). Each Psalm is read from three translations - the Catholic NARB, the scholarly NRSV, and the modern Message Bible. --- Support this podcast:

Reading The Bible - The Book of Job

April 20, 2020 01:55 - 44 minutes - 40.7 MB

Why do good people suffer? This is a foundational question that humans have asked throughout the ages. It is being asked more and more urgently during this time of pandemic. About 2600 years ago, the Israelite author of the Old Testament Book of Job asked this same question in one of the most famous narratives in history. How does Job react when all is taken from him? How does God respond to Job? How does this story answer the perpetual question about the innocent one who suffers? The transla...

Reading the Bible - The Book of Proverbs

April 15, 2020 03:22 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

In this episode I read from The Book of Proverbs using the NRSV translation. I read 1:7-33. 7:1-27. 11:1-31. 23:19-35. 24:2-22 --- Support this podcast:

Reading the Bible - The Song of Solomon

April 15, 2020 02:59 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

This is a brief reading of the NRSV translation of The Song of Solomon. Includes 1.2-8. 1:8-17. 4:1-16. 5:2-16. 7.1-9. 7:10-13. --- Support this podcast:

Reading From The Bible: The Book of The Wisdom of Solomon

April 15, 2020 02:31 - 15 minutes - 14.3 MB

I read parts of the Old Testament Book of The Wisdom of Solomon using the NRSV translation. I read 1:1-11. 3:1-10. 6:12-25. 7:21-30. 8:2-10. 11:1-26. --- Support this podcast:

The Book of Jonah - A Reading

April 13, 2020 02:42 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Listen to a dramatic reading of the brief, yet significant story in the Old Testament Book of Jonah. The traslation used is the New Revised Standard Bible. To learn more visit --- Support this podcast:

#7 - Values For The Common Good - HOPE

April 08, 2020 21:31 - 9 minutes - 8.25 MB

Are you feeling hopeful now? Are you feeling fear, anger or despair? To build a better world we need hope more than almost all else. The west African nation of Ghana showa us hope in action. Learn more at --- Support this podcast:

From the Bible - The Book of Tobit

April 06, 2020 03:38 - 55 minutes - 51.2 MB

Listen to me read the 14 chapters of The Book of Tobit from the Old Testament. Hear about the honorable Tobit, his spunky son Tobias, the clever archangel Raphel and the kind, young widow Sarah. The translation used is the NRSV Bible. --- Support this podcast:

Words For Now And Later - B is for BODY

April 02, 2020 16:55 - 9 minutes - 8.54 MB

Its the second episode in which I am going letter by letter through John Freemans new "Dictionary For The Undoing" Here I reflect on the second chapter and how even though we cannot be physically together during this pandemic time, we can and still connect with each other. Learn more at my blog - --- Support this podcast:

#6 - Values For The Common Good - PROTEST

March 30, 2020 21:32 - 9 minutes - 8.89 MB

Which nation had a significant revolution just after the US had its? France! Home of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity (going with the English here and not the French versions of the words) this country shows that nearly always it is through acts of protest that necessary change comes. For more on this value see --- Support this podcast:

Words For Now and Later - A is for AGITATE

March 26, 2020 03:08 - 10 minutes - 9.27 MB

I begin another subpodcast. This one uses the words put forth in John Freeman's new book "Dictionary of the Undoing." I will share a few quotes from freeman and then reflect on how this word is relevant now in the midst of crisis and also later when we are reconfiguring a new way of living together. For much more visit my blog --- Support this podcast:

#5 - Values For The Common Good - EFFICIENCY

March 25, 2020 21:29 - 7 minutes - 6.96 MB

Did you know that Estonia has one of the world's widest use of digital technology to increase efficiency and ultimately happiness in many areas of daily life. As our lives are upended in this crisis moment how can we creating lasting uses of tech in the US to help build The Common Good after this moment passes? See for more info. --- Support this podcast:

#4 - Year 3 - Presence in Sunshine By The Water

March 25, 2020 21:00 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

Its the first sunny, warm Spring day where I live. I recorded this while walking in the sunshine by a lake near where I live. Although I am angry at the way some leaders and fellow citizens are not doing all they can to helphduring this crisis, I am deeply grateful as I know God is near. See the photos of where recorded this – --- Support this podcast:

#4 - Values For The Common Good - EQUALITY

March 22, 2020 21:01 - 9 minutes - 8.56 MB

By many measures, Denmark has one of the most equal societies on Earth today. And it also ranks at the list with the expressed levels of happiness in its citizens. How will our nation, with high levels of economic inequality, do during this time of COVID-19? Can the social and political changes which will follow this crisis make us a more equal society? --- Support this podcast:

#3 - Values for The Common Good - PROBLEM SOLVING

March 20, 2020 15:02 - 8 minutes - 7.87 MB

The nation of Cuba gives us an example of how to solve the massive set of problems that COVID 19 presents us. If we tap into the force of "resolver" or 'the Cuban art of problem solving' we can work toward building The Common Good. Learn more at --- Support this podcast:

#2 - Values For the Common Good - Potential

March 17, 2020 19:13 - 8 minutes - 8.06 MB

This episode focuses on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is a nation which has many problems and also great natural and human resources. Much good can emerge there. In this COVID crisis the is hardship and uncertainty. Yet the potential for greater good is here as well. For education resources during this time visit my biog blog - --- Support this podcast:

#1 - Values for the Common Good - Pragmatism

March 16, 2020 04:17 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB

I begin a new sub-podcast in the time of COVID-19. I will be quoting from "The Values Compass" recently authored by Dr Mandeep Rai. The first 'change' value in the book is pragmatisim as it is utilized in China. To grow The Common Good we must make hard choices today based on valid information and a prudent process of decision making. Learn more about this episode and The Common Good at --- Support this podcast:

#3 - Year 3 - Lent, Covid-19 and The Common Good

March 12, 2020 03:30 - 15 minutes - 14 MB

The concern about this continually growing pandemic intensifies hourly. And it is unfolding during the Lenten season of praying, fasting and giving. How can we do these in this time of crisis? And how can doing this bring back a commitment to vision of The Common Good at the heart of the great faith traditions? --- Support this podcast:


A Christmas Carol
1 Episode