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For nearly eight years, the seal between the double glazing on two of our windows has been broken, and condensation has progressively clouded the internal side of the glass and our view into the garden. Also, the old style of window is a … Read more

Luke 11:9-10 – And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. (ESV)

For nearly eight years, the seal between the double glazing on two of our windows has been broken, and condensation has progressively clouded the internal side of the glass and our view into the garden. Also, the old style of window is a significant area of heat loss during winter.

We had saved up some funds, so we hired glass fitters to install new panes. It was amazing suddenly to be able to see through the windows into the garden without having to squint or move to the clearer side of the window. The change was quite profound, and it took me by surprise.

Both panes were replaced with units that were filled with argon gas for better heat retention. One early spring morning, it was great to notice that when the outside temperature was near freezing, there was only a fraction of the moisture condensed on the inside of the windows compared to what we had to clean previously.

This stirring event made me reflect on what is inside of us that makes a difference. For example, our thoughts and desires that may be invisible to the physical world are revealed by who we are and what we accrue in our actions, comments, and devotion to Jesus. We have all failed over time and have allowed the cold of the world into our minds to sap our faith and cloud people's view of Jesus through us.

Just as these new panes of glass contain invisible argon gas that holds in the heat better and enables viewers to see through them, in some analogous way we are vessels for the wind of God's Holy Spirit that resides within us, revealing His unseen influences worked out in everyday life, which makes known what is really inside.

Today, we have the opportunity for God's love to be replenished within us, and for us to be set free from all the worldly influences that can obscure others' view of God through us. Like the new argon-filled panes that make them more effective, Jesus will enable new faith, hope, and godly love when we allow Him to fill us with His Spirit.

Jesus always offers faith, hope, and love to those who seek Him, and we will live warm in His embrace. Only then, will His love be evident because He abides within, shining, transparent.

Jesus is here to refit the windows of our hearts. We just have to ask Him.

Prayer: Lord, we rejoice in Your saving grace, because in loving us, You died to set us free from the influences of sin, shame, and failure, so that we may rise up to a new life in Jesus everyday. Hallelujah! Influence our hearts! Amen.