Previous Episode: Endurance

My sister, Tracey, was six years older than I was, but we were always together. When we were younger, we were referred to as "Becky and Tracey" or "Tracey and Becky". Mom would make or buy us clothes that were similar for special days like … Read more

My sister, Tracey, was six years older than I was, but we were always together. When we were younger, we were referred to as "Becky and Tracey" or "Tracey and Becky". Mom would make or buy us clothes that were similar for special days like Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving. Tracey's friends always had younger siblings who became my friends.

She taught me how to drive and how to put on makeup, she helped me with my homework, and even showed me on a pillow how to plant a kiss on a boy's cheek. (I was too young to learn anything else that she told me!) Together, we went shopping, we went to the movies, and we went out to eat. Before she married, I was always at her house. My maternal grandmother called us "two peas in a pod".

We were always together — that is, until she became older, was married, and started having children. I didn't marry; I chose a career to be my "husband", and the newspaper articles that I wrote were my "children". So, we were both busy doing different things and had different lifestyles. Tracey went through a dark time, and we went our separate ways because of it. A few years before she died of cancer, we met and shared a hug. We both knew the truth that no matter what happened between us, sisters we would always be.

Matthew 28:20b – Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (NLT)

This verse is a reminder that we are together with Jesus always, even when we don't feel His presence. He is with us in our joys and sorrows, in our triumphs and failures, in our doubts and fears. He is with us in every moment of our lives, guiding us, comforting us, and strengthening us.

When we face challenges and difficulties, it's easy to feel alone and abandoned. But Jesus promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

He is always there, walking with us, holding our hand, and leading us through the storm. So let us take comfort in His promise for today and remember that we are never alone. Jesus is with us always, even to the end of the age.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for always being with us, and for never giving up on us. Amen.