Next Episode: The Grumbler

While my brother and I were growing up, birthday parties were a big event, a highlight of our childhood. When I was turning seven and my brother was turning four, since his birthday was in May and mine was in June, we had a combined … Read more

While my brother and I were growing up, birthday parties were a big event, a highlight of our childhood. When I was turning seven and my brother was turning four, since his birthday was in May and mine was in June, we had a combined birthday party with family friends and neighbourhood children.

The next year, my brother decided that he wanted a separate birthday party with friends his own age. During the party, remembering how we had shared our birthday celebration the year before, I became jealous of the attention focused on him. It was unthinkable not to be in the same spotlight. In a desperate bid for attention, I started sassing my mother, mocking her reprimand to me. One thing that my parents did not tolerate was a lack of respect. In a flash, my mother informed me that I would NOT be having a party when my birthday came around in June. I was horrified. I had always had a party! My pleas for mercy or reconsideration of her stand did not change her decision, no matter how hard I begged her for the whole next month. I had time to think soberly about the consequences of my disrespectful and attention-getting behaviour.

What a miserable punishment in my eyes! Since June 17 was on a Sunday that year, my mother conceded to making a cake and inviting family friends for tea, but it wasn't a real birthday party!

Proverbs 15:10 – Whoever abandons the right path will be severely disciplined; whoever hates correction will die. (NLT)

Proverbs 3:11-12 – My child, don't reject the Lord's discipline, and don't be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. (NLT)

My mother's disciplinary action had certainly captured my attention as a young child. Of course, my mother loved me, and she disciplined me so that I would remember the proper way to act towards my parents. However, I didn't regard my mother's pronouncement as a correction or an opportunity to develop my character, nor did I see that her discipline might benefit me for life.

Just as I misinterpreted the original intent of my mother's correction, we sometimes miss the fact that God has our best interests in mind. Because God loves us, He also disciplines us for our own good. We may run into troubles because of our disobedience or our own foolishness. We may have to suffer the natural consequences of our actions. Hardships may come into our lives, or we may even develop physical ailments.

As children of God, let us not be dismayed over troubles and hard times, but actually embrace them. Let us understand that God's corrective action in our lives is for our greater good, to become more like Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the moments when You correct us. Thank You that in them, we have the opportunity to grow in Your ways and to become more like You. Amen.