I see a lot of memes on Facebook that appear to condemn the church for not being the church that the world expects. The memes usually attack the church for being hypocritical and not compassionate enough. There is some truth to what is … Read more

John 17:9 – I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. (NIV)

I see a lot of memes on Facebook that appear to condemn the church for not being the church that the world expects. The memes usually attack the church for being hypocritical and not compassionate enough. There is some truth to what is posted, but these barbs often do not offer a solution. It's very easy to poke the church in the eye for being so blind, but the negativity of those posts doesn't act as an encouraging remedy; instead, they discourage folks from changing because no guidance to do so is being presented.

When Jesus established the church, He didn't go looking for perfect people — He wouldn't have found them anyway. What He did do was to take a bunch of sinners and set them on the right path toward God. Despite their weaknesses and faults, sinfulness and selfish ways, He managed to put together a band of devoted people who would try to live their lives according to His teachings. He never expected that they would achieve perfection, which is why, in today's highlighted verse, we have something that Jesus constantly did: He prayed for the ones given to Him by God; He prayed for His church.

Today's church has many problems and issues, but that's what happens when sinful people are called by God. Despite the setbacks that the pandemic brought upon the church worldwide, the world still needs Christ's Spirit of compassion, healing, and love to fix our broken planet. This is why Christ is still praying for His church, and this is what we should be doing for our local congregations, national denominations, and international situations. The church is Christ's bride and will always exist, even beyond time itself.

Point to ponder: What should I be praying for in my local congregation?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, the church exists because You brought it into being. Its purpose is to spread the good news of the gospel through word and deed. Despite our sinful and fallen ways, You still pray for Your church and for us. Help us to align our prayers with Your will for the whole church. In Your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.