Guest James Mulholland returns to discuss Indie Game: The Movie, a great documentary about indie game development and culture. Braid, Fez, and Super Meat Boy certainly gave the documentarians plenty to focus on, so it's no surprise that James and Jen nerd out about the games themselves as much as the movie. And despite reassurances that he has no intention to "Danny Cohen" the end of the podcast, James has an extensive list of things to recommend since a second time guesting means he's come super prepared.

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Show Notes:

You can follow James on Twitter, but he recommends against it. 
Indie Game: The Movie
Super Meat Boy
Double Fine, makers of Double Fine Adventure
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
Penny Arcade
Republique and the WIRED article about its Kickstarter campaign
Telltale Games, makers of Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
Wasteland 2

Theme Song:

Alps by Motorama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License

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