Prepare to Attack: Learn Overwatch and it's Characters artwork

Prepare to Attack: Learn Overwatch and it's Characters

31 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 6 years ago - ★★★★★ - 49 ratings

Prepare to Attack is a podcast that aims to help you learn more about Overwatch and it's characters. In this show, we bring in a Top 500/Grand Master coach from Wawa's Bootcamp to go over each character in detail. Their weapons, their abilities, and how to put it all together to use each character effectively.

Theme Song: "Sounds Like Overwatch" - Have Luck Good Fun

Video Games Leisure
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Brigitte (PLVL: 1.27)

August 22, 2018 05:32

Reinhardt's squire has entered the fight. Designed to crush the dive meta, Brigitte made some major shake ups in Overwatch. In this episode we discuss how to be effective with Brigitte and use her abilities efficiently.

Bastion (PLVL: 1.20)

May 22, 2018 15:34

Bastion is what happens when a developer wants a player to not just play with guns, but also be the gun. In this episode we discuss the most efficient way to play Bastion and use his abilities effectively.

Moira (PLVL: 1.20)

February 26, 2018 21:39

Moria seems to be fitting in Overwatch quite well, but many players are having trouble grasping how to use her abilities properly. In this episode we discuss how to use Moria and her abilities effectively so you can keep your allies alive while also causing trouble for your enemies.

Reaper (PLVL: 1.19)

January 25, 2018 19:59

Reaper can be a powerhouse when used properly, but also easily denied when used incorrectly. In this episode, we discuss how to make your time with Reaper count, and how to use his kit effectively and efficiently.

D.Va (PLVL 1.17)

December 15, 2017 20:58

D.Va has changed quite a bit since launch but always seems to find her place in the meta. With her reduced Defense Matrix and newest ability, Micro Missiles, how does D.Va fit in? In this episode we cover that, and the best ways to play her effectively.

Mercy (PLVL 1.17)

December 14, 2017 14:34

Mercy has gone through a lot of changes recently, but she is still one of the topped picked heroes in Overwatch. That would be because she remains one of the most powerful heroes in Overwatch, being able to output a lot of healing and bringing a fallen teammate back with full health. In this episode we dive into Mercy and talk how to player her most effectively

Hanzo (PLVL: 1.17)

December 06, 2017 16:45

Loved by few, hated by many, Hanzo is definitely a controversial character. In the wrong hands he is completely useless, but in the right hands, he can be an enormous asset to his team. In this episode, we discuss how to be most effective with Hanzo.

Pharah (PLVL 1.17)

November 29, 2017 16:22

The skies aren't so friendly when Pharah is flying them. In this episode we dig into her kit, discuss the most efficient ways to play her, the most effective ways to use her abilities and ultimate, and give other tips.

Symmetra (PLVL: 1.16)

November 16, 2017 18:07

Symmetra bends light to her will, allowing her to build turrets, teleporters, shields, and shield generators... As well as having an insanely annoying light death beam. In this episode we discuss how to use Symmetra and her tools effectively to help your team.

Torbjorn (PLVL 1.16)

November 09, 2017 16:39

One of Torb's favorite sayings is "they always underestimate the engineer." In this episode you'll discover the best ways to use Torbjorn's abilities effectively, and be as efficient as possible with everyone's favorite engineer.

McCree (PLVL: 1.16)

November 07, 2017 07:32

When McCree is played correctly he can output a ton of damage with his high impact, deadly hitscan. He can also CC and stop ultimates with stunning grenade. In this episode we discuss how to efficiently use McCree while using his abilities effectively.

Roadhog (PLVL: 1.16)

November 06, 2017 07:08

Roadhog's last year has been a rough one. Going from being a high pick, to being useless, then finding his place again thanks to balancing. In this episode we talk about how to approach the new hog, use his big body effectively, and making the best of his deadly kit.

Sombra (PLVL: 1.16)

October 27, 2017 21:08

Sombra can hack everything and everyone. In this episode we'll discuss how to effectively use her hacking ability to give you team the advantage, as well as the best way to use Translocator, her primary weapon, how to take advantage of enemies with low health, and using her EMP to it's fullest potential

Winston (PLVL: 1.16)

October 25, 2017 03:51

Gorilla on the outside, Scientist on the inside. Winston's kit provides mobility, protection, and cleave damage that's great if you know how to use it properly, but easily wasted if you don't. In this episode we discuss how to use Winston and his abilities effectively and be most helpful to your team.

Orisa (PLVL: 1.16)

October 23, 2017 05:53

Rising from the ashes of her defeat against Doomfist, Orisa is ready to protect and serve. In this episode we discuss how to effectively use the Guardian Omnic, including how to use her barrier effciently, when to use her abilities, how to sustain damage with her weapon, and more.

Widowmaker (PLVL: 1.16)

October 23, 2017 05:50

Widowmaker can make or break a team. If the player is bad, she pulls the team down, but if the player is good, she can wreak the enemy team. In this episode we discuss how to effectively play Widow and efficiently use her abilities, positioning, and more.

Zenyatta (PLVL: 1.16)

October 23, 2017 05:47

Teacher, Monk, and Omnic. Zenyatta's natural state is peaceful, but obviously he is not above violence. In this episode we'll discuss the role of Zenyatta, the best ways to help your team, how to properly use Harmony and Discord, and more.

Mei (PLVL: 1.15)

October 09, 2017 06:06

Mei believes the world is worth fighting for, and she means that literally. Mei combines great defensive capabilities with crowd control to cause the enemy great grief. In this episode we discuss how to use Mei's weapons and abilities efficiently while being the most effective you an for your team.

Ana (PLVL: 1.15)

October 09, 2017 06:05

Ana will always have your back... Literally. Ana's Biotic Rifle provides tremendous heals to allies at long range, giving her the ability to keep allies alive while not being directly engaged in team fights. In this episode we discuss how to effectively use Ana's weapon and abilities while also staying alive.

Junkrat (PLVL: 1.15)

October 09, 2017 06:04

In Junkrats world, it's always a perfect day for some mayhem. And mayhem is exactly what Junkrat causes when he is used properly. Junkrat is more than just spamming grenades. In this episode we'll discuss how to use his kit efficiently to get the most bang for you buck.

Soldier: 76 (PLVL: 1.15)

October 09, 2017 06:03

He may not be a young man anymore, but Soldier: 76 can still output solid damage while managing to handle multiple threats. In this episode we discuss how to use Soldier: 76 efficiently with things like proper burst firing and positioning, while using his abilities effectively.

Doomfist (PLVL: 1.15)

October 06, 2017 18:00

Doomfist power and speed can make him quite the adversary. At the same time, if his abilities and cooldowns aren't used properly, he is very vulnerable. In this episode we discuss how to effectively use Doomfist while keeping yourself alive.


September 22, 2017 17:40

Welcome to Prepare to Attack. This podcast aims to improve your understanding of Overwatch and it's characters so you can climb the ranks. This episode is our orientation where we dive deeper into the shows goals, how the show works, and how you can improve your skill outside of the show.

Basics, Maps, and Game Types

September 22, 2017 17:39

In this episode we take a look at Overwatch's basic mechanics, dive into it's various maps, and talk about the different Game Types.

Character Types

September 22, 2017 17:38

Characters in Overwatch fill four primary roles: Attack, Defense, Tank, and Support. Most Overwatch characters are a bit more complex than that though. In this episode we discuss the roles and sub-roles you'll find in Overwatch.

Setup Tips

September 22, 2017 17:37

Doing well in Overwatch can start before even before you get in a match. In this episode we discuss setup tips to help you succeed.

Genji (PLVL: 1.15)

September 22, 2017 17:36

Genji doesn't just look cool. His agility and precision can make life difficult for your back line. Hard to pick up and even more difficult to master, Genji is worth the effort. In this episode we talk Genji, his abilities, and how to use them well.

Reinhardt (PLVL: 1.15)

September 22, 2017 17:35

A mountain of a hero, Reinhardt protects his allies with his giant shield, while also punishing those who dare to come close. In this episode we explore Reinhardt's abilities, how to best protect your allies, and when you should switch from defense to offense.

Zarya (PLVL: 1.15)

September 22, 2017 17:34

"Strong as the mountain" is Zarya's motto. With her barriers Zarya can save herself and allies from various threats, while at the same time charging her primary weapon to turn her into an absolute power house. In this episode we go over Zarya and her abilities, as well as how you should be using them to get the most of out Zarya.

Lucio (PLVL: 1.15)

September 22, 2017 17:33

Lucio's positive vibes and sounds assist team mates by healing them or speeding them up. His offensive capabilities aren't to shabby either. In this episode we explore Lucio, learn how to use his abilities effectively with your team, and how to get some eliminations of your own.

Tracer (PLVL: 1.15)

September 22, 2017 17:32

Tracers speed, small size, and damage output make her a great flanker that can harass supports and even put pressure on tanks. In this episode we dive into Tracer, go over her abilities, and talk about how to use them as efficiently as possible.

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