Danny Randazzo is head of acquisitions at Randazzo Capital and controls over $8,000,000 in commercial and residential real estate. In the summer of 2016, Danny and his wife sold everything they owned and moved to Charleston, South Carolina to build a real estate portfolio. Randazzo Capital made its first investment purchase in the winter of 2016, buying two commercial buildings for $1,000,000. Since then, the firm has utilized strong investor and lender relationships to purchase another $1,000,000 commercial building, a short sale renovation project, a four-unit residential rental, a two-unit residential rental, and two beachfront foreclosures. Danny has been a speaker at The Best Ever Real Estate Conference in Denver, and a guest on many real estate podcasts released worldwide. He is the host of a local real estate meet-up in Charleston that helps local investors build networks and improve their business. Danny also volunteers with The First Tee of Greater Charleston, where he teaches kids about honesty, integrity, respect, and life on and off the golf course.