Episode Summary:

Pfizer has a COVID-19 pill; PFEPelton gets destroyed on earnings; PTONAnalyzing the October jobs report

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Jeff Warshaw, CEO, Virtuoso Acquisition Corp (VOSO) 36:00

Virtuoso Acquisition is merging with connected car company Wejo.

Meet The Hosts:

Dennis Dick


Spencer Israel

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sjisrael

Joel Elconin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spus


Disclaimer: All of the information, material, and/or content contained in this program is for informational purposes only. Investing in stocks, options, and futures is risky and not suitable for all investors. Please consult your own independent financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

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Unedited Transcript:

All right. As I said, we got a big show today. We got a lot of earnings to discuss. Don't forget. We have a jobs number at eight 30, Dennis and Joel may or may not have forgotten that fact until I reminded them. So we got jobs number. We got earnings, new guests on the show today. Jeff Warshaw, actually, this is exciting.

This might be our very first SPAC game. On pre-market prep. He's a CEO of virtuoso acquisition. They are merging or acquiring. We Joe, we're talking connected cars with Jeff Warshaw at 8 35. Let's bring Joel on here. Joel. Good morning. How we doing? And, uh, when you came home and get those charts up, we will start rolling here.

Good morning, everyone in chat. How you doing? Dennis is here as well as lurking in the background. We'll get him on in a second as well. And, um, I guess we'll just start with the church, Joe. What's up. It's a it's no, no tangent. Okay. Okay. We're going to follow the script. Accordingly. As peas are up 10 handles a 73 and a quarter.

That was our time closing high. Uh, we spent a little time below that at 67 50. So, uh, here's your potential downside target. If we do go down on the upside 87 50 is the high nothing up there because we've never been there before a crude rebounding from yesterday, shellacking that's up 89 cents. It's 79, 72 gold.

Once again, flirting with 1800 up a buck 70 at 17 95, 20 silver. I was just down a penny 2390 Bitcoin hanging. It's still in the 60,000 handle. Wow. Four lows in the same area. Let's keep an eye on 61. K that's up $85 61,445 and theory S down, just a smidge. That's down $13 and 25 cents. These are the futures at 45 0 2 and a quarter.

All right. So we've got a busy day. Dennis also is dealing with some sick kids, so he may be in and out, but he is here. I promise. Uh, and when he comes back, we'll we'll, we'll bring him on here. So, Joel, oh man. I don't even know where to start here. We can start, let's start with what I think is the news of the day, which has probably this Pfizer has gotta be, it's gotta be reminder that we got the, uh, news, like it wasn't like a month ago now from Merck.

Merck has that COVID pale that they said, if you take it within a couple of days of having symptoms, you can reduce your hospitalization by 50%. That was. 50% of from Merck this morning, Pfizer came out and said, yeah, we have a pill too. In our pill reduces hospitalization by 89%. Um, they did a study and of these 600 trial participants, uh, who received, uh, the pill, um, in combination.

Yeah. Who, who basically who received the pill within five days of symptoms? All of those 607 people. Wow. 41 of them. I'm sorry. Six of them went to the hospital. Nobody did. Oh, the 607. So a a big, uh, a big number here, a big, a big drug coming out today here for, uh, Pfizer. They say they intend to submit for approval as soon as possible.

Uh, this is a, I'm gonna not put for this. This is a protease inhibitor. It's actually a drug that was used for it, for HIV treatment, or as I've been reading in the last hour or so. Uh, and Pfizer though, Joel blasting often taken off. Um, yeah, uh, it's uh, it's antiviral women's I guess. And the HIV meds. I mean, we talked before about like the Tamba flu of, uh, of COVID and, uh, that's what they came up with.

Uh, the news came out good for the market. Good for Pfizer. And this thing has been volatile lately. Really moving off earnings gave it back the last couple of days. I'll give you that pre-market high. I think that would be a nice juicy target on the upside that comes in at 49 for. I believe was to pre-market high and that's a big move for Pfizer, but it's trading a lot of volume it's holding up.

So back near all time highs, actually that all time highs 49 60, there's gotta be some papers stacked at 50, right? Because you had a high at 50 0 5 on August 24th. So I don't know what's been happening with these stocks is they'd get in the pops and they've had a whole hard time holding the games.

Pfizer up five bucks is just an unbelievable history. Doesn't repeat itself, but it sometimes rhymes and it rhymes big time here. We saw all of these stocks, Regeneron, Madonna, Novavax get murked back at the end of September today, they're getting Pfizer. It is the exact same headline, the exact same thing, different company.

And we're seeing the exact same results that we saw after they got. And Regeneron down 50 points on this Pfizer news, we got Madonna down 25 points on this Pfizer news. We had no evacs, which was trading significantly higher on its earnings report. From last night trading now reversing everything. Joel, we were up into the one nineties we're reversing massively.

We are over 25 points off the after hours high. Now down 14 from the close. Um, this is an amazing, this is good. Obviously these pills get for us. Good for people. Get for the world and not so good if you have other therapies for COVID or if you're making vaccines. So we're seeing the vaccine makers getting hammered, even poor B NTX, which was teamed up with Pfizer on the last one.

That's makes complete sense. Cause they're not teamed up on this one. So obviously, you know, they got the vaccine, but Pfizer is doing its own thing on the drug. So be in TX getting smacked hard here, uh, down 8% on this news as well, Pfizer up 11%. The the, the, the play was to sell into this strength and Merck.

And it worked, I would say the same thing. I own Pfizer in the long-term account. I would say this is a windfall. And if you're long, it overnight, it's a gift. And I think you're going to struggle to get over 50. So I don't think we're going 50 to 55, 60 and blasting off because we have complete precedence here.

I actually completely talking against my buck. I think I'm the only person that does it on the street. Joel does it too with Peloton, which we'll get to in a second. But, uh, Pfizer here up five is a big move for this. When we saw Merck getting that lift, it was short-lived. It eventually did come back and move, make new new hires, but you can see even Merck getting hit because they have the competing drug.

So moral of the story is with the drug stocks. It gotta sell your peanuts while the circus is in town, because these things do not stay hot. They don't seem to stay hot at all. Regeneron I'll give myself the pat on the back because I sold my Regeneron and I obviously, you know, talked about it, you know?

Two two days ago on the show saying, I think this has come too far too fast, and I'm going to get a chance to get it back cheaper. Well, lo and behold, you're getting that chance today. Well, I reload Regeneron. I may, I may actually reload it. If we get down to the five 80 area, that's probably be a better buy than obviously, um, you know, my six 30 or six 40 original purchase.

So sometimes, you know, when you make a bad purchase market gives you your money back. Sometimes you got to sell it and then reload at a lower price. So I'll pat myself on the back on Regeneron and I'll kick myself in the ass for Pam. Okay. The question though, do you do that at the same time? How does that work?

I don't know how that works. It's hard to do that in the past, but that's pretty good. The kick in the ass, like kicking myself in the bot. It's not as easy, especially when I'm sitting on chair. I'm just trying to figure out how that would work. I'm not quite able. And it was a success story of this market.

It's big winners and big losers every single day. It's the market with no memory for one thing. I mean, they loved merch yesterday. Oh, Merck. We love Merrick making them now. We hate it. Pfizer competitor. I didn't see that one coming holy this market with no memory and merch down 9% on this as a buying opportunity.

I'm long Merck and okay. Yesterday was a selling opportunity. Today is a buying opportunity. Just like that. Boom, eight points off merch, low eighties. Yes. It's got the competing drug, you know, maybe they continue to smack these things around because this is the market where the weak get weaker and the strongest drug, or at least for a few days.

But I think you've got a buying opportunity in Merck and Regeneron. Um, I probably will reload my Regeneron at some point in time, I'm going to try to catch the falling knife, which is exactly what you're doing when the stocks are in free fall here in the pre-market. Um, I've been hurt a lot of times like that.

Sometimes I still do it cause I can't help myself, but the, the play is probably let the dust settle and then wait till it stops going down. Yeah. I mean, if you feel like the five 80, I see, you know, there's a love, that's where it really, I mean, it, it had momentum going and then it got over that five 80 and blasted and filled the gaps.

So it, uh, gave it back. We'll see, five 80 the seat, let the dust settle on this one. Uh, you know, who knows if they pull out something that's 95%, you know, efficient. So overall good. There's another one coming next week. Joel, probably when you get that, we'll all here on fi I mean, Joel, let's just talk Pfizer for a second here.

How many times despise or go up 11% on a drug. Pfizer has new drugs. This is this, isn't a small little company. This is one of the biggest cars in the world. Biser gets a positive trial on a drug. If it's not, obviously in some cases, you know, not Pfizer, but you know, Alzheimer's or something, but on normal drugs, they pop like 1%, 2%, 11% come on.

This is circus is like the elephants are, you know, sticking the balls in the air here, you know, like back there, there, there, there, what do you call them? Their legs on the back of the other ones. And they're their toilet and a bar around. I almost want to sell my long-term Pfizer just to rebuy it. But the problem is I don't want to pay the tax.

I'm going from $13. And I don't want to realize a huge capital gain by, you know, maybe the idea would be to buy some putts or. I don't, I don't know, Dennis looking at it talking, can I interest you in another, in several other companies that are also that also have protease inhibitor technology? Sure.

Drugs. Cause that's, that's the underlying technology here for the drug, right? Uh, AbbVie has a protease inhibitor, um, GlaxoSmithKline, GSK. And they actually, if you look at this morning, I know they're on down now, but they weren't down a half hour ago and GSK are down at all. And that's for the simple reason is that they don't have COVID trucks.

Well, not, not yet is what I'm saying. So that's good. They could get fi so Pfizer has the potentials. What you're saying to get Glaxo's like in a few weeks, blacks has got Pfizer and Pfizer is going to be a trend here and the moves are going to be less. They won't keep slamming on. I think the move is over, down on.

So I'm going to say this. I think the moves are over done on all of these stocks today. All right. I think the Pfizer shouldn't be up to as much. I think the merchant me down as much. I think the Regeneron shouldn't be down this much. We already hit all this stuff on and I ain't getting the second shot, so, okay.

Wait, also, uh, uh, GSK mentioned Bristol Meyer was throwing Bristol Meyer, GSK AbbVie. Those are the three companies and inhibitor drugs working on pills. COVID pills don't know. I didn't know. Pfizer was working on a COVID pill. I don't think. They hide this stuff? Um, no, I don't know if those companies have trials or no, I don't know.

I'm just saying they have the same technology that the Pfizer drug, they have drugs that are approved that do kind of the same thing as what the, you know, uh, the underlying thing as well as what the Pfizer drug does. So, uh, very interesting. It's the market of wicked moves. This is the market of wicked individual moves the spy.

They're like, oh, it just grinds higher, kind of boring. It's under you lift up, you know, and look under the hood. There is wicked moves all over the place. Every single day today in the drug sector, wicked moves all over the place. You can look, there's a company that's going to report. It's going to be up 20%.

That'd be another company while I can't buy them all. Cause buyer doesn't want to go anywhere. So they've got to sell something else off 20%. Yesterday's victim was UPenn today's victim. Victim's going to be palliative. So, I mean, this market is just the market of wicked moves right now. Wicked, wicked.

Yeah. We can go to that panel time here. And, uh, this was a tough one. So remember that they had previously lower their guidance and lowered their pricing back in August as a tell and well, in hindsight 2020, yes, it was a towel. So here's what the numbers were from Peloton yesterday, the Q1 earnings per share, they lost a dollar 25 cents per share street with looking for a loss of a buck oh seven.

So they missed more than expected sales, 805 versus $810 million small base. But that's not what we care about. We care more about the forward looking stuff. The guidance, the Q2 sales guidance came in below estimates. The fiscal year of sales guidance came in below estimates, uh, in terms of subscriber growth.

This was the first time, the first quarter that their subscriber growth did not grow at least 10%. Um, I think maybe ever, uh, there are a subscriber growth had previously increased, uh, 20, at least 20%, every single quarter for the last, like, I don't know, like eight quarters and their subscriber growth only increased 10% in the most recent quarter.

Um, they did say that they are well positioned for the holiday season. They have a lot of inventory, maybe that's because they're not selling anything. Um, but yes, it was a, it was a really tough report for, for Peloton. And this is, this is going to be, that's going to be a doozy. I mean, you got to start asking your question now to Peloton and I can ask it to Joel and we could ask you who could then ask it to Lisa.

I mean, is this not the possibility to give back the entire COVID run and okay. Go ahead. Change my rating on the stock. Okay. It's two S M T C shaking. My now send me the certificate. Send me the certificates. You think that's going to zero out on CNBC there's Grasso that said that last night on CNBC. I don't think that is the case.

Yeah. I still own it. I've tried so many times to do this and it's his wife stock. So she could take the credit for some of the good ones and she could take some of the credit for the bad ones. I, I we've, we've talked about it a half dozen times and it's not a, it's not a big position. It's a, it's a much smaller position today.

It's a much smaller today. I think I'm still up on it. I don't want to look, but, uh, yeah. What can I say? I mean, it's, it's, it's done. I mean, the pen, it, the pandemic dude, you know, this news is not helping in anymore. Uh, Um, Primo others gave you the pre-market law. Pre-market low is 56, 80 with three bucks off that I'll hope it holds.

And uh, if it ever gets back to fill the gap here at 86 bucks, 85, 75, maybe I've got another go around. You still have it. He hears me. Here's my ticket. We are not to say that Peloton is never going to come back. It very well could come back. But if it dies, it is going to take a long time. We're talking about a bag holders everywhere.

We're talking about a several years story here, right? It's harder to go up, but it needs to go down like this, right? Oh, I mean infinitely. If they can come back, they do very, very, very often, but it, it's not gonna be by next summer. It's not gonna be by next fall. It's gonna, it's going take a while. So just know that if you're holding the bag here and not in any of these stay-at-home home place, right in zoom and in our last discussion, I really, I tried to go into like the valuations in P E in growth and expectations.

And, uh, it didn't matter. I want to know what Joel is feeling right now. Is he feeling vindication? Cause he's actually, this is a funny, this is a horrible situation. Y'all has been talking against the stock forever cases and trying to pitch the backstory here is Joel and his wife bought a Peloton back at the perfect time back in like April or may of 2020.

And the stocks went up, up, up, up, up, and he has been trying, but it's Lisa stock on this one, I guess, which is his wife. And so she's got the final. And he's been trying to get her to sell, trying to get her, to sell, trying to get her, to sell it. And you know, obviously not listening, um, which, you know, it's, it's her choice.

She's makes a lot of good short term. At least it's been a great trader for a long time. She made a lot of money because we should know we don't sell. Yeah. I mean, so you're going to get caught holding the bag. And then the thing about this one is that, uh, you know, we've got some big winners, you know, from the long-term, you know, for holding it forever.

But this was one where, you know, you know, we had a crazy stock that, yeah, it got stupid and, oh, stop. She, you got her to suck game stop at the high, which is unbelievable. But the circus was in town, in Peloton, was in town last January. And all of these stay at home place. Stay at home. Trade is just absolutely massacred across the board.

And if I was long zoom right now, I would be looking at this Peloton chart and saying, Hmm, You know, and I know Cathy loads it up every day, but if I was Kathy, I'd be like, Hmm, because you know what? There is just an epic pile of competition coming for zoom, consumers. Maybe zoom can be the Google. Maybe they can reinvent themselves and, you know, get away and, you know, do a whole bunch of different things.

But right now they're a streaming platform, which, you know, we've moved away from them because it's superior ones out there. Yes, it's a verb. That's why I used the Google analogy. Cause it Google it. Let's zoom. Let's Google it, which is amazing. Company has done amazing things. It's nosebleed valuations, and it's a stay at home play.

And zoom is down $5 here on only on this Peloton, which I'm absolutely shocked at. I cannot believe you're not hammering zoom more on this because if I was long zoom, I would be hammering the bed. So, but down 31%, is it over done on Peloton? I don't know if I can even say that because you're at this point where you still look at still got a $20 billion value.

So, you know, it's, uh, you know, it's obviously a great company where they've done a lot of great things, but you know, when you comparing valuations across the board and we did this exercise, you know, and, and it's not, let's, let's be honest. It's not planet fitness. You know, planet fitness is killing it. Now that pair of the opposite way would have been really good.

But planet fitness market cap is $7 billion. Would you rather own planet fitness or Peloton? Because right now you're paying almost three times as much for Peloton that you are as then you are as planet fitness. So I don't know, like, I don't know if everybody's staying at home and riding their pelotons anymore.

So I, I can't even justify the valuation here at the top. So I'd like to say, oh, it's cheap, but it's not cheap. And if the earnings actually start going down, then there's major problems here. So you've got a 7 billion, one of the biggest gyms across the U S if not the biggest of the $7 billion market cap.

And they get the statement home bike, man. With a $20 billion Merck still, or 19, it's still expensive. So you know what you're going to have now, you know what you're going to have now too. And I will be able to convince you to sound on this now that all these, uh, all these analysts are gonna come out. Uh, what do we have?

We had, um, yeah, yeah, they

perform right. Oh, they did that today, but they lowered their price target. Okay. Well, thank you. Thank you for lowering your price target. Yeah. Yeah. All these analysts. Okay. Thank you so much. X St. Truest, Stiefel and Telsey downgrading the stock today after it's down 30%. Thanks so much for that. The price gone from one 30 to 68, 1 20 to 71.

Then we better lower our price targets because they don't look very good there. So, you know what, just do this here. And then we won't look at that. You know, what the perfect selling opportunity was. And I can, I can almost remember the date on the chart. Oh, right here, Dennis, you called the rally and this one, uh, I could nail the date was, uh, uh, September 9th.

Someone came out. I know I can go into pro here and find it on, uh, I'd say, uh, it was the third now. It wasn't. Um, I remember there was someone came out from Peloton. They came out and they, and you said, oh, I think, oh, when they decided to sell clothes, What did, what was that? It was oversold at that point.

It had a wicked

Yup. And Dennis said, I think this has got some legs and I'm thinking they're sell the clothes now. Like, what the hell are they doing? They're diversifying in the Colombian. Who wants that? And I was like, no, I know. Well, it's after the fact Jack, I own it. Send me the certificates SM you're right though.

What's more important to make money or to be Rachel. Wait, do you want to see all the down or the

leaves or the analysts this morning, easily analyst this morning and in Peloton here, here. So you see very much, you see 11 five right there at the top, right? All the top eight here, all from this morning. So tough job. What a tough job, you know, going in to report. Oh my Lord. And there's probably some more to do it too, right.

Anyways. Okay. Can we, can we can, yeah, we talk Penn just in here because we got to jobs number in five minutes and obviously we have some time before that. Next thing I'm following the schedule here. Um, the agenda. Okay. So as much as you got Peloton today, Joel, I got pinned yesterday and I didn't get penned.

I got port annoyed. So I just talked about my pen position. I just bought it back like a couple of weeks ago. Cause I wanted to own the stock back and what a mistake and you know, maybe I should have waited till after the earnings report and you can say, oh, the earnings were disappointing and they were, it would not have got hammered like this.

This was the business insider piece on Portnoy. And if you're not following the story that they accused him of what, what were they accusing like obviously SA yes, it was, um, it was going too far in, in sexual encounters. It w it was the gist of it basically. Uh, and, and I, and I, I did read the piece, I read most of it and you know, I'm not going to comment on Portnoy on who's right.

Who's wrong. He said, see, she said, I watched Portnoy's rebuttal to it as well. Um, I'll just say, I, you know, when I bought Penn gaming, the reason I chose Penn gaming, overdraft Kings was poor or not, and I'm a fan of Portnoy. I I've been a fan of Portnoy, you know, that publicly on the show for a long time.

Um, I was betting on Dave Portnoy and I lost that bet yesterday. So there's a reason it's down that much. And it's because his image really got hurt, you know, whether he did it or not. I don't know. You know, I can't, we can't comment on that. And you know, I, I, I tend to think that maybe this is just exaggerated.

Maybe he didn't, but I don't know. I don't know, Dave port and on a personal level. So I don't know. There was a lot of accusations in there. You know, obviously, you know, that the girls saying stop, and I guess he didn't stop or whatever. So there's some accusations there. They hit, when this news kind of hits, they, they, they hit the bid first and they ask questions later.

I hope it comes out. And I, you know, I, and I, I liked Dave Portnoy, like as you know, just, you know, like watching my Barstool sports. I think he's funny. I think he's humorous. I think he's built a great business. I hope it's not. But I don't know. And I can't comment on that, but I'll say that this wasn't bad earnings.

This was, this was because of Portnoy that it was down so much. So it, it just, it, this is the last thing. I mean, the timing of all this stuff and everything, um, you know, it's. Nope. They've been working on this for a long time and they comes out eight months or working on it and they come out in a day.

They'd miss on earnings. I mean, they had this story and they actually released it because the stock was down. Like now we can really hammer it. I don't know if that's the case, but it's interesting timing. It was the day the pen was already down on earnings and then they come out with it. You know what, the piece on the important, and then it really got hammered.

is interesting. One of the three of us here is been tapping. I did, I did have pen for just a small trade on a technical thing and I got in and I got out, but someone, one of the three of us has been a little cautious on these, on these gambling stocks,

Peloton, cautious, cautious on DraftKings Cisco call, and I'm getting head hard on it today. Figure it out. If I want to sell into this bounce and just eat the loss because I bet on Dave. So here's when you're entering it in for an investment, and this was put in the long-term account, you have your thesis and if your thesis plays out, you're right, you'll make money.

If a thesis doesn't play out, your you'll not make money. In this case, I said to myself, I'm betting on de Portnoy. I couldn't have lost that, that worse with this business insider piece yesterday. So I don't know like where it goes from here. So this is like new territory for me, but yeah, it does. Does Portnoy rebound from this, does Barstool sports rebound from this?

Or does it lose subscribers? Is there, there's going to be a certain portion of the population is like, I don't like that guy now at all. And he's right. He was saying people don't like Dave Portnoy already. I mean, cause he's very outspoken. I like it because I like sports. I like the way he talks about stuff.

You know that he's very blunt. He says what he thinks. Um, you know, I, I, you know, he makes me laugh on the pizza stuff and that, you know, we, there's no secret that we've been Portnoy fans just did, but on this part of it, I didn't know anything about this stuff. So this is all new information. His image is tarnished.

There's no doubt about it. Can he rebuild that image or is there, you know, does this story build from here? I don't know the answers to the questions and that's why I don't know if I should sell the stock or not. So I can eat the loss. I'd be down 14 points, I think on that concentrate and up a little bit here, this point, which is just APIC loss for it, but I don't know what to do here, what I want to see.

I don't know what to do yesterday afternoon, as well as this is the risk that you take. When you buy into a company because they have, because of the figurehead at the top, whether it's Elon Musk and Tesla, true Dave Portnoy at Barstool, and then pen, whether it's Papa, John, a Papa John's or Steve Wynn at wind resorts, right?

When, when the company has a CEO in this case, it's not a CEO, but someone at the top who was more than that, right? He is more than just his job title. He's the figurehead, or she could, it could be your tree, uh, more than, than, than, than their job title. This is the risk that you take, that's it? Yup. It's true.

And I sat on the show. I'm betting on Dave Portnoy.

Dennis. Oh my gosh. He's got, he's got 50 seconds. He's got time. He's got going on. He's got 50 seconds. He's got time. We got the one minute up. We never go to the one minute chart, but you have to go to the one minute chart. We got October John's report eminent. Uh, pre-market high 87, 50 nothing in there.

Folks. I can't give you a resistance when there's absolutely no resistance in the market at all. So maybe a psychological level, like 4,700. Maybe that's 14, 15 handles away on the downside. Mid range is right at like 77 and a half. So if they don't like the number, they try and press it. We'll see what happens at 77 and a half.

But, uh, that's the way it's looking here going into the jobs report. It's eminent. Spencer, you got any premiums, right? I do have some numbers. We're looking for 425,000 jobs added last month for your non-farm payrolls. We're looking for unemployment of 4.7%. That would be aides declined from the 4.8% from, uh, from September.

Let's go here, three, two, and one, it is eight 30. Where's our number 531. Thousand jobs added last month versus at 425,000 estimates. So I big beat when's the last time we were able to say that way more jobs added last month and what the economy orderly here. Very, very orderly, very orderly markets. Uh, no presents.

I mean, whoever hit it this down to 83 50, the headache quick, we just made a new hire in 88. Uh, basically this is another burger folks. Let's mark. It. Was it 85 right before this started, right. Let me look at, uh, where we were at eight 30. We ended the eight 30 bar at 85 and we are currently trading 85 75.

So the market is digesting this information. There was no, there's been no knee jerk reaction to the downside as of yet, but we're still early, uh, 85. I mean, I don't even know if stocks I'll be, Dennis could be back pretty soon. I don't even know if stocks are moving off this number. Um, any revisions Spencer?

Oh, that's a good question. I didn't quite get there yet. I'm still working through. Putting this number into context here. So the unemployment, uh, I don't know if I said that yet. The unemployment was 4.6%. That was below the 4.7% estimate and below the 4.8% number from the prior month. So unemployment continuing to go down.

You'd like to see that more Dom is being added. Yo love to see that let's keep going on to this number of see what else we can find. Um, it looks like, looks like most numbers. Yeah, very nice revision. There we go. So the, the, uh, prior the non-farm hero's figure for the month of September was revised higher.

Okay. Remember we had that big miss. It was 194,000 jobs that was revised higher to 312. So look, this is a very hard job to, to get these basic, just gigantic surveys, right. And. Sometimes they're way off the first time around. So, so the September number, not as bad, actually, you know what, frankly, every month for the last, it seems like every month it gets revised higher, um, down the line, but big revision from September big beat for October.

You'll love to see that. And, uh, Hey, what a surprise where I first back in still at all time highs. So I'm very nice on farm jobs. Yeah. We just made a new high 88 and a quarter 88 and a half. So there was a burger though. Yeah. Yup. All right. Happy average, hourly earnings in line with the, yes, with their increased 0.4% month over month and about 5% or 4.9% year over year labor force participation rate 61.7% essentially in line in line there.

Um, huh. All right. Been very exciting. But Joel's right. This wasn't nothing burger here. I mean, we moved up four points on it. So I think we care about the inflation numbers more than the jobs numbers. I think so. So when he gets the CPI number, it used to always just be jobs, jobs, jobs, that's all they cared about.

Now it's inflation. The market does cares about the inflation numbers and the fine, you know, okay, well this gets a little indicators here, but they're not really moving much off at, at all. So jobs now I've officially put the inflation number as more important than the jobs. We, we, we see this in times, like last, last spring, it, the, the jobs number was not as important as the weekly, um, job was claimed.

That was more important for a time. And then it went back to being not as important anymore. And then, but yes, I, I I'm down with that, Dennis CPI more important right now than the jobs number. So this is all that unexpected did. Some of the unemployment benefits run out. I can submit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, people, uh, going back to, I mean, you still see, I mean, you drive around, I mean, some of the restaurants in this area are closing early.

I mean, they're still looking for workers, so they are, um, they're out there. So a good number, a good number for the market here off to a great start here on this Friday, trading up to 46 91. So, uh, yeah, barely budged. I mean, sometimes you get a little, you know, a little, you know, a knee jerk reaction. They knock it down a little bit, but like the bed, it was bit everywhere.

So I'm not sure what this means for inflation moving forward, but, um, Yeah, the wages remains the same. I'm not sure if you saw the stat that I had up on the screen, but the S and P 500 has made 60 for all time highs this year at the all time record, by the way, is 77 set 95. Um, we we're we're, we're on pace to, to come pretty darn close.

If not break that record at this rate, the way we're going. Um, it's been a pretty, pretty amazing year, uh, in that regard. Um, and Ryan Dietrich said, said as much when, when he was on our show. Uh, okay. Uh, our next guests will be here momentarily. In the meantime, let's do more stocks draft. Yeah. A lot to get through here.

Um, what you want to do. DraftKings because we talk pen and that makes sense. So the draftings during the report was out this morning. Uh, they did. Yeah. I mean, the stock is getting punished here at the, uh, uh, they guided let's see the sales came in. Uh, okay. I guess the guided light, the, yeah, they got it. It was in line in wine with the guidance.

Nothing too crazy on the numbers. I think we're just out of favor here. Yeah, I think so, too. It's just to turn, um, with that being said, you have a huge level 40 bucks, so nice support at $40 for draft Kings. Um, I don't own draft Kings and obviously we shouldn't own penny either at this point in time. Um, you know, Kathy is likely going to be buying the dip tonight.

I'll just say that. Yeah. That's how she rolls most of the time, unless she's in Zillow. I was going to say, I know the Zillow was the exception in the rural, but I, I tend to think that Kathy will probably load up this different. So think about that as well. I wouldn't be surprised at the depicote spot here.

I'll just say that. Um, I'm just going to say, yeah, the 40 is sticking out on a monthly there. You can see that by DOB. And this is the same thing with pen I wrote up pen yesterday is it's the stock of the day. There's three monthly lows at 35 bucks. So I don't know if you're going there that, that Accords coincides with Penn.

I believe at the exact same time. Penn may dot three monthly lows at 52. So if you're waiting now, hold off on a monthly basis, though. Your levels for a draft Kings and pan SOP is charging towards 4,700. We'll probably be there momentarily market. You just cannot stop this market. That's pretty wild.

Actually. I'm looking at that too. Joel, that's pretty wild. Uh, all right. Hey, well, let's bring in our guests here. Jeff Warshaw is the CEO of virtuoso acquisition corporation. That is of course he's back. They are buying a company called we Joe. We would talk about that and more. Let's get Jeff on the show.

Jeff Goodman. How you doing? We are doing fantastic on this Friday. How you doing? I'm doing great. Happy to be here. Alright, thank you Jeff. A long time by long time friend of mine, I, Jeff. Uh, first of all, just, just tell us about this company I spoke to you yesterday. You're extremely excited about it, but, uh, tell us your target and that the vote date is November, correct?

That's right. So out of every company that we looked at, we did not see anything that resembled the opportunity for us and our shareholders to make multiples on our investment. As we Jo, we just couldn't be more excited. I think it's a great team and amazing, uh, huge, uh, town. Uh, they have, uh, we think we've won the dataset for the connected car.

It's, it's, there's so many opportunities for this company to monetize, be it, you know, obviously traffic and mapping, but insurance and. Advertising and, uh, vehicle diagnostics. There's just a massive market. They've signed up 18 OEMs, uh, and, uh, you know, it's just been. Been terrific. We met, we met these guys and it was love at first sight.

Richard is a, you know, real visionary founder and CEO and, uh, you know, it's been every, every step along the way, they've exceeded our expectations. So we're really excited. So talk about the datasets and the information that, uh, is going to be coming from these sensors on vehicles. It's not just not just mapping and things like that.

Um, sure. So every the connected car has. Uh, this, uh, this essentially a built in modem that can, that streams constantly, uh, data at this point from around 150 sensors has everything from speed and how many people were in the car to what's on the radio to the moisture on the tires to, uh, diagnostic equipment on like how the fuel pump and the battery and all those, uh, many of the pieces of the engine are performing.

And that data is extremely valuable. Of course, you know, uh, in this case, we, Joe, uh, has in machine, learned every lane of every highway in America, uh, already. Uh, but it also, you know, for example, uh, you know, I'm, I've been in the media business for many years. Nielsen does the ratings for audio. And I looked at this and said, Nielsen has an S in a, in a city like New York has 5,000, uh, people participating in the ratings.

You get ratings once a week. And you, um, uh, and, and, you know, very little just age and sex of the, of the driver in this case, we have, I think we, Joe has 8% of the drivers in all of New York. Many many times the sample size, you're getting data in real time. So for example, we'll know when somebody tunes out a song or tunes out of commercial or listens to a commercial and then go visit that store.

Um, you know, when they visited and how many people were in the car and the same thing with billboards, and that's only a very small percentage of the opportunity to monetize, uh, insurance companies. It's not just UBI it's when it, when a collision takes place within 12 centimeters, we know where the dents are.

So they drill down on insurance fraud, very, very valuable cuts down on how many towing towing trips have to be paid for in storage. Um, you know, for, for mapping in real time, we can see when, when, when, uh, there's value by knowing how fast the cars going, knowing the, the, uh, the moisture on the top. And the temperature outside, they can machine learn black wear black ices, which is tremendously valuable to, um, to the municipality.

So there's just so many ways this company has to monetize it'll cost to the cars. I mean, is this something that, uh, you know, is going to have to be passed onto the consumer and Nope, no costs, um, virtually all the cars that are being made now have this built-in, it's literally pennies per month and the OEM pays for, because this, that data is very valuable.

When we think about things like EVs, right? The, the battery's really important. Well, this company now has the opportunity to determine, to see what's going on with, with the battery usage in a way that just isn't hasn't been available. That also very helpful where they should be putting charging stations.

So this is not cost the consumer there's. They have extremely buttoned up privacy opt in. They set their setting, the standard for privacy. Um, and, uh, you know, w we, Joe means we journey on there and there, uh, kind of, uh, low motto is data for good. So, uh, the, the, this will, this data will not be used for like law enforcement.

It will be used only for things that are helpful to the driver. And, um, they have the, you know, there's a 300 page manual that, uh, agreement that has to be signed with the OEM regarding privacy, um, in order for to participate. And what about competing with Tesla? Tesla have this market corner we'll test that?

Yes. If you look at Tesla's market cap, probably a hundred billion dollars of their market cap is attributable to their on data play. They Tesla's a very, we have more EVs connected then than Tesla does. So, um, in, in America. So, uh, yes, we think that Tesla has a big opportunity. Quite frankly, dwarfed by the opportunity when you put in all these other OEMs, I mean, essentially the, the, these, these cars are going to need to talk to each other and BMW and Mercedes are not going to share information.

So they need a neutral third party in the middle, particularly when autonomous cars. So these cards can talk to each other, tell each other where there's parking spots available. Um, there needs to be a neutral third party, and we, Joe is that neutral third party sitting in the middle of that equals. Jeff.

I remember a few years ago I was made about like the battle for the dashboard. Cause it was like the last screen that people were guaranteed to be glued to. Uh, does we don't do anything with the dashboard at all? I'm just curious, because I remember reading like it's like Spotify versus apple versus Pandora and in the battle for your dashboard, we're not a part of that battle.

We know what's being played from the dash and we take that information. We do not, we're not battling, you do not need to choose between, uh, you know, Spotify or any of these w the OEM gets this data directly from the, from the car and streams it to our cloud. And we, um, provide, you know, we anonymize it and modularize it and ultimately monetize it in a way.

And we share the revenue. With the OEM. So they're highly incentivized for us to partner with them because we are able to do the work. And of course the network effect is that the data becomes much more valuable when it doesn't just come from one OEM. And then just with regards to like the, the spec process, you, you are, you you're the CEO of the spec.

You're, you're looking for a target, right. When you're in that process, surely we, Joe is not the only revolutionary company that you saw. I'm sure you, I'm sure you saw a lot of cool stuff. Right. So like what, what were you looking for? Yeah, obviously you're looking for the returns for investors. Right. But like, but in terms of the company, what, what were you looking for?

So, uh, w when we, when we did our SPAC, um, you know, we said we wanted a company that we thought had a great management team that had a large addressable market, um, that had, uh, you know, proprietary. Yeah, that was proprietary. That, that, that wasn't, you know, just another company that said we could do things bigger, faster, stronger.

So when we, we looked at lots of companies and one of my partners and board members is a guy named Sam Handel. Sam is a long, long, long time investor, but on him and is about 12 years ago, I think him and his two of his buddies from Yale, uh, created a company called data miner. Would you say that's a good, that's it?

I know them right there. He's a co-founder of data miner and they essentially. Did this with social media, we raised money this year at a $4 billion, $4.1 billion cap. And one of his early investors in data miner was a guy in, in Germany, uh, that has obviously done quite well. And he called us up and said, we have a company that you need to look at.

And that's how we found, uh, we, Joe. So, um, we, and we, you know, after we met them, we kind of zoomed to the top of the list and, uh, you know, w you know, Richard and I spoke the same language and we were able to make a deal with him. And let me also comment when we talk a few things, I'd like to make sure that we differentiate ourselves from some of the other specs that are out there first off, uh, when, when we, we did extensive diligence, PE style diligence on, on we Joe.

And then when we made our deal and we put our pipe together, Palentier came in and they did extensive diligence. So now you have the most sophisticated data company on the planet doing some substantial diligence. They invested in the pipe microwave. They had never made an investment in spec before they came in, did massive deal with this.

And they invested in the pipe. Um, the Tsangpo massive Japanese insurance company, they invested in the pipe, GM invested in the pipe. So these are companies that did extreme amount of diligence alongside the Dogist. We did really validating not only that this company was able to execute in real time, those know amazing amount of data processing that needs to be done, but that they had these deals with the OEMs and that they had a real sustainable business.

So I can think of a, of a spec that has this kind of growth and is that level of validation from such smart investors. Also, we need our dealer. And negotiated our purchase or merger price, post bubble of this back. So when you have other companies that came in and now, you know, the valuation on that we were able to get for our shareholders reflects the, um, the kind of adjustment in the market.

So again, so we think it's a very compelling valuation. If you look at our comp set, it's tremendously undervalued. These are companies that traded 30 plus times revenue. Uh, we, we, we expect, uh, we drove their projections are to, to be, you know, three quarters of a billion dollars in 2025. So you can do the math.

We think it's really undervalued. They're executing really well. Um, they have a unique data set that's, um, long-term deals with their OEMs great management team. What could you possibly, so, Jeff, what is the timeline here? The deal is on the 16th is the meeting and we expect to close soon after. And, you know, we think it's a fantastic opportunity.

We couldn't be more excited. All right. Uh, yeah, I mean that excitement's coming through. I can tell you that, uh, I didn't know much, frankly, anything about weed Joe before yesterday. Uh, and, and now you're getting me excited and for company that I just learned about, so, uh, Jeff Warshaw, Hey, Jeff, we appreciate you coming on the show today.

Really he's a CEO of virtuoso acquisition corporation, uh, ticker V O S O acquiring. We Joe connected cars. Uh, you know, actually one question from the chat, I almost forgot about this. It was asked early on where, when he came on, what is your, or even we Joe's position on the metaverse and their P potential fit within that.

Cause it's kind of the same idea, right? Massive amounts of. Well, I mean, this is a very specific connected car play. Um, and do you know we're taking the data? Um, you know, I think if you want to go out to the next generation, that kind of fun stuff is autonomous vehicles, you know, w we'll reach a point.

Like I, you know, when next time Joe, you know, 10 years from now, Joel is going to pull up to his restaurant in Detroit. He's going to get out of the car. The car is going to drive a wedding. It's going to go pick up a quart of milk for him and pay for it. It's going to talk to the other cars. It's going to find a great parking space.

And when Joel. He can hit a button and the car and come pick them up and take them home. And that's that, that cannot happen unless you have a neutral third party sitting between the OEMs and that's where Joe that's Jeff, that will not happen because Joel doesn't leave his house, unfortunately, but Jeff, Jeff Warshaw, CEO of virtual.

So acquisition, uh, Jeff, thank you so much for coming on very much. Yeah. The excitement is coming through. It's coming through the camera. I feel like I'm with you this screen. I dig it. I dig it. So thanks a lot to Jeff for coming out today. Okay. We got 10 minutes. We got a lot to talk about stuff. So you want to talk about Pinterest or Uber or square or Airbnb?

But to someone there's so many earnings, I can't wait. I'm actually exhausted from this last two and a half weeks of earnings. There's so many and the moves are so wicked and it's like, okay, well, I'm making big on this one, but I'm losing big on this one. Like somebody was sending me a congratulations, text your Qualcomm.

I was like, oh yeah, that's fine and dandy. But what about pen? I lost everything I made in Qualcomm a lot more in pen. So I mean this earning season, I got Lockheed Martin on the one, but then, you know, I own another one. It's like, I got a stock going up 20% down, 20% every day in this long-term portfolio. I guess that's what happens when you own all these stocks, but it's been a look.

Wow. You try not to look, but then you do lock in. You're like, eh, and then, you know, I'm looking at the ones that are losing and maybe not the ones that are winning. I don't know. The bottom line doesn't seem to go that like, change that much when you're on that many stocks, I guess you're just that S and P but I mean, individual stock performance, obviously Penn gaming and I'm like yesterday, just shaking my.

Uh, let's just do Airbnb here. Uh, they just had their best quarter on a record. Uh, their EPS be a buck 22 versus 75 cent estimate their sales to call it two and a quarter billion versus $2.04 billion. They gave revenue guidance, uh, for this current quarter that was, uh, in wine, uh, best quarter ever for the company.

Uh, not surprised on this one. Uh, 1 93 40, you had your six bucks off that a little musicians in one night, but see if he could take out that pre-market I just, the fact that you're you're six bucks off, it makes you think there might be some sellers out there. A lot of people sitting on profits from the last two days, cause you were in the lower, uh, one 70 handled, just a quick update on Pfizer.

Uh, I mean, it's getting over 49, but people are going to whack whack whack in those bids from long-term. And they're saying 10% on this overnight. Thank you very much. I take the money. I don't know, part of me wants to take the money and run tape. Hey Dennis, I got Joel's thoughts or let's get your thoughts though, on any video from yesterday.

Oh, it's just this wicked movie. It's exactly poster child at this market. Right now. You have mentioned the metaverse saw the metaverse and that was an analyst. I mentioned it wasn't wild wasn't it was Wells Wells. And they put up the mess. I mean, obviously apparently tried to go straight there. Oh yeah.

We think these are 52 week price targets. I don't know. But people, investors get confused. They think that's a price target today and they try to take it there. I mean, metaverse is just the new buzz word. Like Mitch was saying, you know, you had blockchain, you had, you know, COVID, you know, and then now you've got the.

Everything is, you know, it was crypto for a while now. It's the metaverse you mentioned the metaverse, you know, the algos are all over it they're they they're programmed and something says metaverse and they're buying it. So, I mean, it was an absolutely ridiculous move that the stock is just moved ridiculously.

I mean, I'm not going to short a rocket ship. I'll tell you that much. I actually was long it overnight because I figured it would just gap up again and it did. Um, I've already sold it. Um, it's unbelievable. The moves that you're seeing on individual stocks and, you know, really off, really nothing fundamental just to mention from an , but that's nothing to do with the company.

It's an opinion from an analyst and, you know, are they going to be a big thing in the metaverse. It's this just suddenly been, you know, in the light and local Wells Fargo was just enlightened the whole entire world to this. This is a metaphor. I mean, no, but the market it's trading it like that. Oh, we didn't think of Nvidia as a metaverse play.

What are you talking about? You know, obviously it's a metaverse play, so I don't know why yesterday. They decided to buy it up 12% on and continuing to move up here, AMD benefiting from this. And obviously they're looking at Intel and Intel is just the last, you know, we don't care about that one anymore.

That's a value stock. We don't like PE stocks of eight. We like PE stocks of 80. So we're in 1999 all over again here on a lot of stocks. How does it all end? I have no idea. I'm not chasing Nvidia up here, but I tell you if you're in it, I don't know any reason to sell it right now. It's making new all time highs.

Hey, we got five minutes left. Let's get two more likes if we can. And we'll do some more tickets in the next couple of minutes. Let's give a little bit of love to Uber. Uber said on their call last night that they, that they just had the best month in the history of their company. Uber's numbers are pretty good, uh, profitable for the first time.

Uh, revenue EPS, beat the estimate revenue, beat the estimate and, uh, Hey yeah. Reopening trade, right guys. Yeah. Well, what about the metaverse though? This has nothing to do with the metaverse so it's not that exciting. The new thing is metaverse so I'm not excited about Uber, um, the report, whatever it's in stocks in the middle of nowhere, I'll just say whatever on Uber, it really moves around.

I mean, this, yeah. Chaps around a lot, really know, but I mean, if you go off the monthly here, maybe it got a little over down when it got near to 65, maybe a little, you know, over sold when it got here down to 40. Right. And now it's on the rebound. Our pre-market high. We'll see if that comes into play today at 47, uh, the monthly's or, you know, if you want to hold out the monthly's, you're not giving you anything until, uh, closer to 49 on the upper 48 handle.

Sure. Does it feel like we're going to get there today? Uh, we can look at square too. I'm looking at actually learning stuff. Whoa, look at the chart the last few minutes. I know they had earning, but I didn't really put it just, yeah, look what he just did. Their earnings was out last night, EPS, whatever, missed by 2 cents, but more or less in line.

I mean sales year, over year, uh, it's the same thing as Robin hood, right? They, they saw a slow down in Bitcoin related in Bitcoin transaction revenue, same thing, but what the heck just happened? And I, they must've said something to the conference. This was down $15. Um, just, just wait, Groupon that had a thing this morning where they said that they're going to allow local merchants to create campaigns from the square.

That's not it. That's not it. Something maybe is the call right now. It's gotta be, they must be saying something on the cop fault because this just an obvious, this is a problem doing the live show news desk, Gallup, Brent, what's going on yelling. I'm yelling. Because there's obvious news here. I mean, the stock literally 10 minutes ago was 2 30, 6 down 10 bucks.

Now it's up five bucks. I just had a 15 point rally in square or the good ones get bought on. So obviously loved stock. It's getting bought here right now after I find out what just happened to wow. After hours. Hi, we did it at 54, 26. And then you saw the beat down to 20 point, uh, beat down there. So I think when the bonnet up there thinking, wow, 2 52, 2 53.

That's not too bad, but see if you can take out that pre-market hide 54 or 26. Uh there's. Let me see if I see anything in the dailies. Uh, just on the dailies. If you know, if you do go through that 54 and change, keep an eye on 55 40 that splits a couple highs from the beginning of the month, 55, 54 and 55 20.

I was last night on square. So somebody has said something somewhere. You don't usually see a 15 point rally on no news just after, you know, eight hours, you know, or eight trading hours after the companies. So somebody has said something, something so got us. They finally hit the zoom there. The other eight I'm shocked that it was holding up that well, that was low-hanging fruit there.

I don't know if I'm looking at okay. Um, oh, Hey, I don't know if you guys saw this. I want to mention the Kroger guys. We haven't gone, Joe. That's what we thought. No. What are you talking about? We have it, it happened again. We have another fake Bitcoin. Presley's never remember when a Walmart member. Yes.

Never went to Walmart, said white coin. Do you remember that? What, what is the, what did they release a few months ago? Walmart is Presley's. Walmart is taking except in the white coin. That was fake, but it was a, it was, uh, it was on the news, wires. It as a PR happened again this morning with Kroger, this one, it was on their investor relations page.

Our press release Kroger will beginning stepping Bitcoin cash, Bitcoin cash, which is a, a fork from Bitcoin. It was on the IRP page, but it was, it was not real. Merrifield. There is so much manipulation. What is going on? There is so like they got, so they got that on. So that was an actual press release.

They actually got that on. We got it on their page, but they they've already come out and said so many hacks and so much, you know, manipulation of this market trying to manipulate the market. I mean, obviously you got to go look, if you're a regulator, you know, who's made big purchases, this over lie. It's hard thing probably to track and figure out.

So, uh, let me read you a statement that they send to Benzinga. This is from Kroger Kroger, PR this morning, a press release was fraudulently fraudulently issued, claiming to be the Kroger company that fall asleep state of the organization will begin to accept Bitcoin cash. This communication was fraudulent and is unfounded and should it be disregarded, but it was on their I R page, which I don't even understand.

Holy cow. Wow. They put that on. To try it. And then what did the stock do on it? It popped, it popped. Why, why would you pick on Kroger? Like whoever's doing the hock to pick the right company. Like why pick on Kroger, a stock that has struggled to move like a straw? Like it's not a big mover. Cause he probably got in there, you know, they were able to get in there.

They ended up crack the code risk reward on that Packard don't know, hi, I'm gonna hop off just off man. Like, and I know like we love the matte averse and we love all this virtual reality, both the hack and. All this. I, I don't know if we're made for this new world, Joel, you know, everything's going to be in the metaverse I guess we don't have to worry about, you know, it really, if you think about it and you're going to go live in your happy world in the metaverse, I guess, you know, you don't have to worry about your real world.

So maybe this is the meta versus the escape from. On depressing life. Is that what it is? Is that what it is? Is this what it is? Just to escape from your own depressing life? I actually liked my life. I don't want to escape. Yeah. I love it. All right. Well, that's why we don't like the metaverse. We don't want escape from our lie online.

You say that now, but you haven't seen the metaverse yet. It's going to be awesome. I got a Sean, you dog's going to join me today. Yup. Sean's going to be talking to some hot stocks and semis what he likes and what he doesn't like. So we'll check in with you guys later on, everyone have a great treatment, right?

Uh, I just want to say guys, Hey, everyday we got like between four and 8,000 people watching this show. Um, if we could get some more. I liked the shell 190, I will say I was a 290th like today. Oh, just you just now that was okay. Yeah. I mean, there's no reason we shouldn't be at 500, 600, 700, a thousand likes every day.

Right. So if you could be so unkind, take a second out of your life. Hit the, like, when we really would, I mean, we put the show on for free the likes help us with the YouTube algorithm. Why? I don't know. It's just the way it works. The more likes YouTube sees, the more it. Yeah, the video and search. I don't know why it happens, but that's just the way it is.

So thank you for the 85 people, a hundred people. Now they just hit the, like, we appreciate that. Um, please remember all the information from our show is meant to be used as informational purposes, not for investing or trading advice. Thanks to our guest today. Hey look, our very first spec guest on the show, Jeff Warshaw, we appreciate him and it's going to be, Hey, it's a Friday.

It's a, it's sort of like the last hurrah of like the main heavy part of the earning season. There's still going to be earnings next week. Um, but this was definitely the peak. It is basically all downhill now in terms of earnings flow for the rest of the, the rest of the month here. And yeah. So come up next, live training with Benzinga Dennis, have a great rest of your day, man.

I know you're not as down as you think you are, you think you're down more, but you probably know it's the Penn gaming. This caught me bummed out today. I mean, I, I, maybe I just got lucky and you know, obviously you'll have some companies that are probably going up, but up pen move yesterday. I was just shaking my head.

I was like, I bought back two weeks ago, like a week and a half ago. I was like, my timing couldn't have been worse. I was out of it. I was out safe and I'm like, you know what? I'm like, I sold the thing, like 82, 80 $3. I was like, I want to rebuy. Cause I don't want to miss the boat. I think, I believe in Dave Portnoy.

And then there's the attack on port. Oh. And I'm like, holy that's bad timing on my part. But um, you know, I feel bad. Like I, if like the whole point and I think like if he really didn't do it, I feel very bad for him. But maybe, maybe he did. I don't know. I can't say yes or no, I guess I don't know what, who he said.

She said the thing, but I watched the thing, like the response. I kind of believe him. So. Um, TBD on the . This could end up being like the yesterday was the worst of it, but it also ended up being just the beginning. Well, it stops rebounding a bit this morning here. I don't know what to do. I really don't know what to do in this situation.

I'm not often involved in our own a stock where one of the major figure pieces is. Involved in a sex scam. You know what? I'm going to call it. Now, Dave Portland is going to launch us back. That's what's going to happen. I hope Dave Portnoy, if I hope he can turn it around, I hope Barstool can turn around.

I hope Penn can turn around. Not only for my own portfolio, but cause I kinda like I, the guy makes me laugh, so I hope he didn't do it. I'll just say that. I hope he didn't do it. All right, Dennis, have a great rest. Your day, man talks about a live training with Benzinga going live. As soon as we're done here, Ryan Zhou, nade, Mitch, maybe I'll pop in for a few just to say hi.

Uh, coming up next is video and a redirect straight to that. So stay tuned for that, everyone. Thanks for watching and see you over there on our next show.

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