Kevin Urrutia, founder of Voy Media, joins Sarah Hicks on the Predictable Revenue podcast.

Voy Media’s sole focus is to be a catalyst for business growth, helping brands cross the threshold from 6-figures to 7-figures in revenue, from 7-figures to 8-figures in revenue through cutting edge marketing strategies. Kevin details why building a cool product isn’t enough (4:20), what a diverse top of funnel looks like (7:14), taking control of your company narrative (17:26), how to build a video webinar funnel (21: 33), creating engaging video content (27:07), why breaking even is good enough (34:40), and how to diversify your top of funnel with the content you already have (36:53).



Here are a few more blog posts on inbound strategy:

Tricks of the demand generation trade: How Nishank Khanna combines marketing and outbound skills to drive leads

Simple, Sane & Successful Inbound Marketing

Why Inbound and Outbound Work Together