Are you catching minnows when you want to be catching whales? Netting the high-value prospects requires engaging many different people in the organization in conversation. In this episode, I’m interviewed by Joseph Dager of the Business901 podcast. We discuss my new book, Predictable Prospecting, why cold calling is the best method of prospecting available for netting those whales, and how to encourage your sales team to embrace the cold calling process.


Episode Highlights:

Mary Lou Tyler’s background and career path How to best use Predictable Prospecting Cold calling, personas, and outbound marketing Why do salespeople resist the cold calling process? Other methods of prospecting Leaving voicemails Getting past the gatekeeper After the sale: Reselling, renewing, and getting referrals Warming up the chill: Software recommendations How important is a process to a company?  


Joseph Dager and Business 901




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